Cricket Leagues - Announcements

I need a person to help me calucalte the net run rate,after each round in my league.But everyone suggests some website,but can some calculate for me.I will 2000 vCash per table.This has to include the arrangment in a proper way

Calculating NRR is pretty easy. You can either use the excel sheet that I uploaded a couple of months back or you may try a hand at the website that Callum recommends. If you ask me, I prefer to use the excel sheet.
I will continue with the Survivor Series in Diwali, anyone who is interested in having a team ?
I am interested. :)
All of you can join, as I said all things would start near Diwali. Still there is a time of 15 days.
I hope that all the conversation regarding the Survivor Series league will be conducted in the league thread itself from now on.
Need a Co- manager for My League " Indian Future Cup? "

Team :-

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