Cricket Risk

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Would you guys prefer me making it two normal managers per team?

Or I could stick with what I was originally planning, and have one main and one backup?

I was planning to just have one manager per team, then have a few backups who would only do something in the absence of the main manager, as I want to get as many people involved as I can.

So pretty much with two normal managers, you'll both be able to discuss stuff between each other, but only one of you will sent me your moves when required.

(That doesn't make much sense, but hopefully you get my point)
I think it should be up to us whether we want a secondary manager. There are some people who would want one, and others (like me) who would prefer to plot our moves without other people interfering.
Just look for anyone who had the same first choice as yours and they would likely be your partner, unless a lot of people had chosen that team.

Let's see, only 2 other people have signed up for South Africa as their first choice, one of them being a guy with 0 experience so he's never heard of the game and Dan is the other one. I'm fine working with Dan but I don't care. At least for the first season, I wouldn't mind working with someone though.
I wouldn't mind having a back-up/co manager since i'm not sure how active i'll be on weekdays.
Well only Chewie and I have chosen New Zealand so if he wants to co-manage that'll be fine with me.
As I said on the first post I'm going to wait 24 hours before announcing anything. :spy
I can co-manage South Africa with anyone or India with AkshayS if he takes part.
Does Sri Lanka or the West Indies interest anyone, as currently neither of them are in anyone's top three...

ATM there are 14 sign-ups, so if no one else is interested they'll be the two teams without two managers (Sri Lanka and the West Indies)

Also harrisb is the only person who definitely doesn't want a co-manager out of the people who have said whether they want/don't want one, so if no one else signs up he'll have to manager one of Sri Lanka or the West Indies. :p
Nation doesn't really make any difference, does it?

Anyway, I don't want to manage really any team outside my top 4 so I'd really only wanting to manage South Africa, Australia, New Zealand or England.
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