Cricket Wishlist - Submit your ideas...

A really cool feature would be if there is a career mode ( aka ICC ) in which you have various away and home tournaments and a waorld cup every 4th year. It would be awesome if players retire after they reach a certain age and new players come up.
Yes, a career mode is exactly what we want :up: I said a few months back that what Ea should do is have an "arcade mode" for gamers who want a quick fix of adrenalin (that would be Rangeela then :D ) and a "simulation" for advanced players who want a real piece of the action. Fifa 2003 accomodated this very well and the same should be adopted for cricket 2004, we need a much more involving experience where we have full itinerary's each year (a bit like lara cricket really) for say 5 seasons where you have goals to achieve etc depending on which test side you decide to take on, and achieving these could unlock all star teams and extra tournaments and sounds a lot to ask some might say, but I find just playing one-off tournaments, which is all you can really do in cricket 2002, gets repetitively boring after a while. Lets all just hope EA can deliver this time, I'm sure there's big pressure on them so lets wish them all the best.
What i would like is something that distinguishes the players and thier cricket styles. Like i dont want to see Brett Lee and wasim Akram bowling the same way and also all time teams for the rest of the coutries. I can undestand Bangladesh and Zimbabwe not having all time teams but what about Pakistan, India, Newzealand ect. espacially now with so many new young players on the pakistan and india side. I would also demand to see more play based on form, and continous stats as well as the ability to create a player and play in englands domestic leagues.
Originally posted by malikmazhars@May 1 2003, 10:40 PM
Zee, I agree with you! I dont wanna see each fielder Left Handed :)
I know,then it wouldn't be realistic :byc:
plzz dont include light system in 3rd umpire
the decision should be made in the videoscreen
as in england

plzz for god sake improve the umpire
he just brings his hand up wen giving out
we cant see the finger

i`ve seen this in all ea cricket games
plzz for god sake improve the umpire
he just brings his hand up wen giving out
we cant see the finger

i`ve seen this in all ea cricket games

What wrong with our Gangster umpire who grabs his balls 24/7!!!

Originally posted by sukku@May 24 2003, 07:05 AM

??? :huh: :o :banned:
We wanna see these things-
Ability to change balls if its lost its colour or lost
Substitutions if players r injured in the field
diving catches impovement
bowler action changing
we dont see most of the balls going high in the air in c2k2
it should b improved
drop catches too much improve it
misfielding should b there in the outfield
player types-slim fatty normal giant(like tuffey oram)
changing pitchads stumps bats etc
player photos import
keeper improvement
Plz reply guys we want C2k4 to b better
Originally posted by mani_gamer@May 31 2003, 05:25 AM
We wanna see these things-
Ability to change balls if its lost its colour or lost
Substitutions if players r injured in the field
diving catches impovement
bowler action changing
we dont see most of the balls going high in the air in c2k2
it should b improved
drop catches too much improve it
misfielding should b there in the outfield
player types-slim fatty normal giant(like tuffey oram)
changing pitchads stumps bats etc
player photos import
keeper improvement
Plz reply guys we want C2k4 to b better
I also think we should have:
One-handed diving catches by the wicket-keeper
The third-umpire trying to decide when it's a boundhary like when a player stops the ball near the rope but the umpire doesn't know what to call it.
Realistic throws from fielders.
The ball gets hit back to the bowler's stumps slightly more often.
Batsmen's strokes don't look similar all the time.
And different faced umpires with REAL umpiring kits that change in the game they umpire(eg.test,ODI)

yes ur rite auwais
We also need these things-
bad light stopping play (besides rain)
keeper wearing helmet sometimes
realistic ball physics and AI improvement
throws must not be always on target
manual lbw appeals(as u said)
ability to play supers 8`s or any other form of cricket
making a tournament (OF any kinda)
atleast 20 international teams (14 wc teams and 7 or 8 all time)
County championship
slides should b improved wen fielding
and silly pont fieldsman should wear helmet
ability to change batsmans strokes as in nhl 2002 we can change
the action of player wen a goal is hit
and plzz guys post more
And for the Caribbean, Red Stripe One Dayers or Carib Beer 3dayers

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