Cricket Wishlist - Submit your ideas...

The problem with introducing injuries in the game is substitutions. The way FIFA handles this is good though with the player missing the next match.

Some suggestions:
Stop using flat pngs for the crowd, security etc.
Make changing the field a little easier.
Allow custom field settings to be saved.
Deterioration (spelling?) of test pitches after a days play.
Make ball swinging a little more visible.
More edges to the keeper, more weather changes, more World Cup options (different countries), able to change batting order during a innings, better and easier to use player editor, all stadiums around the world including the indoor Docklands Stadium.
Allowing the wicket keeper to field would be a good idea.
Also, speed of the wind, to affect the bowling, more swing, or the ball holding up into the breeze from the slow bowlers. Bowl faster with the breeze, batter can hit the ball further with the breeze, and so on.....
Lets just say, start working on Fifa and release a Cricket mod ;) :P
Cricket is a game of many possibilities. This is due to various factors controlling the aspects of the game such as the weather, the player skill dynamics that change according to the situation, the crowd, the umpires and so on.

What I would really like to see in this game is modeling of such situations. In other words we must let the world of probability take over some aspects of the game. This does happen in real life.

I guess it will become clear if we consider a simple example. Take the bowlers themselves. Coming into a match they are quite fresh and more likely to hit the correct line and length, irrespective of the skill of the batsman. As the match progresses various factors kick in affecting the skill of the bowler.

*What I want to see is the dynamic modeling of a particular bowler and his skills. In other words some kind of probabilistic or statistical modeling or distribution must be implemented in every bowlers case. In McGrath's case for example, consistency is one of his strong points over time. So, in his case he should put the ball where we intend him to most of the time because of the higher probabilities involved. Consistency along with the other factors must be taken into account when arriving at a probability.

*A bowler of lesser caliber is more prone to stray a bit in line and length over time. So, even though we direct him to bowl a perfect line and length, he should inexplicably stray a bit. This does happen in real life as the bowler really wants to bowl a corker of a delivery but can't do so because his body and other factors don't let him. In c2k2 we have total control of where the bowler should pitch the ball and this becomes monotonous over time.

Hence all we should see is a small point (maybe the size of the ball) and let the other factors kick in to determine the trajectory of the ball. Batting would be so much fun under these conditions right?

*The same kind of modeling can be put to use in the other aspects of the game like batting and fielding.

*I would really love to see such modeling done in each player's case. It would be cool for us to even change such probabilistic modeling as players become better over time in real life.

*Provision must be made to change the bowler/batsman averages etc.

*Computer player AI must improve. It is simply uninteresting and pathetic at present.

*It would also be great to have the crowd change behavior when a star player is out due to an umpires decision (correct or not ;)) at a crucial stage and so on and not just for the sake of it!

*The weather playing havoc in countries like England, the West-Indies, India etc. according to the season. Sandstorms in Sharjah! Wind in New Zealand... I remember seeing wind being a factor in C'97 but don't see it in c2k2. Wind is a huge factor and this should be taken into account.

*Two player games using the same keyboard. I fail to understand why EA left this critical feature out in c2k2?!

*Appropriate commentators considering the home and away country. Some suggestions by the members regarding the commentary aspects are truly excellent and must be incorporated.

*Better motion capture of the players. Have some sledging, eye-balling, bad-mouthing heard through the stump microphone! Wicket-keeper chirping away when spinners are on...

*And for cricket's sake BETTER BALL PHYSICS. It is really bad at times in c2k2 with the ball ricocheting of an invisible wall to fall into the fielder's/wkt-keeper's hands...

*Pre-match pitch/player analysis, post-match celebrations as suggested by people absolutely essential.

*A small higlight segment which can be saved in some video format to share it with people!! This would be so cool isn't it?!

*Graphics quality as regards player bodies is not up to the mark. I mean a 600MHz system and a GeForce2 MX should be enough to enable me to play with all settings at high. Right now I get barely good frame rates with all settings at low and with all the appropriate drivers. Must get better here.

*A field editor to save our own field settings permanently.

*And for cricket's sake have some misfields and overthrows! We must be able to take a run during LBW shouts or even after a run has been cancelled.

*The wicket-keeper modeling is horrible. Has to improve and the bloke must be made to act the way he should.

Well, these are some of the things that came to my mind. Hopefully some percentage of all the wonderful suggestions by people will be noticed and implemented.
Bowlers shouldn't just have a bowler type (but they must include a Fast Medium bowling speed aswell as Medium Fast for more variety) but they should have average speeds, top speeds etc. Making Lee and Ahktar more realistic compared to other fast bowlers. There should also be an aggression rating so that players like Gilchrist, Flintoff, Jayasuria, Afridi etc score at their usual rate. Another idea would be for appealing for lbw's and caught behind's. An appeal button to make the teams appeal more convincing, make the keeper and slips shout louder, etc.
I have played and am a big fan of the FIFA series. If any of u have played FIFA 2002 World cup, u will see what a poor game we cricket fans have been fed. I think EA should seriously consider using FIFA's elements and creating a competent cricket game out of it.
I reckon there should be a menu where u could choose wat bat u want 2 use or wat pad etc. And the players should have height variations eg. sachin tendulkar should be shorter than glen mcgrath. And players should hav different bowling styles.


i really cant understand when EA can develop a game like FIFA with such a realistic gameplay and options y the fearsome tweak cant they produce a good cricket game C2K2 is still better..but Cricket 200 which was developed by EA before C2K2 was more tweaked up really sucks man
[color=#000000:post_uid14]I think it is a great idea to get a wish list going atleast a few of the ideas will be taken up if not all...........

I think the other possibilities are to have
1 a bowler to have Hieght advantage like magrath to bounce the ball a bit more, bowler like agarkar or vaas to skidd a bit more, kumble to bounce and not spin much, murali to turn a lot etc..... Shoaib to bowl fast and swing a bit with it and Wasim to have a lot of variety........
Batsman like Sachin to be able to pull and cut more etc
2 If on a tour a test series so play matches against Domestic side like the real life....
3 Injury to a player to alter the outcome of his playing in the tour or tournament... for a match or two or the whole series,
4 After match Award ceremony.
another good aspect could be to just Control the Captain like (an addition option) Nasser of england just to bat for him and make field changes and bowling changes or the norms of captaincy, or just to control one play as an addition to the game options like a challenge to concentrate on a single player and to make it more realistic coz in real life even if you play well you do tend to lose or win if you play badly, thus Enhancing the Realism of the game, and putting your selection on the line as a player or captain as you choose....

These are some aspects I think would make the game more realistic and Enjoyable. in addition to improving the gameplay,


Kind Regards,

Adil Farooq.[/color]
Nice ideas Adil.There could be(or should be) a stadium editor, a kit editor (so you don't always have to go online to download them) even a team editor.It should include both county and international teams.In the county season you should be able to transfer players and sell players.Also an option were you have money and sell merchandise and stuff.
In the international mode,you should be able to register new talents to play for your international team.And if you are the home team,u should pick your venue for a match.

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