Crispy melt pizza

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Just bringing the truth home.
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The template for a starwars film :Blah blah blah Dark Side blah blah blah The Force

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Just bringing the truth home.
Dont you have it?:p
Cheese free pizza ?! That's like...erm...alcohol free beer. What's the point ?!
Its got Avocado as cheese substitute, besides its Vegan. They've got plenty of choices with different types of cheese and are certainly lot better then Domino/Pizza Hut.
I've never tried a crispy melt pizza, when I read the first post I thought it was heracy. Who ever heard of a pizza where you can't see the pepperoni (and dont be all smart and say how about a pizza without pepperoni, because its just not a real pizza if there is no pepperoni!). But I am willing to go with change and try this marvel out.
I really do wanna try this pizza. Been seeing the ads for it for ages.

There is also this one from Pizza Hut, where the crust is actually Cheese fingers. You heard me. Cheese deep-fried in batter, and attatched to the pizza. You pull of the fingers, eat them, and have a pizza with no crust left!!! Brilliant!

Unfortunately, as it stands, my family is a bunch of health freaks and milk causes an excess of mucus in my system meaning that it will be quite a while before I'll be trying out there marvels :p

But cheese-less Vegan Pizza is absolutely brill. You've just gotta try it. Tastes wayy better than the real thing. Shame you can't say the same about the price though...
Update: Crispy Melt Pizza with Grilled Chicken "Topping" is nowhere near as good as the pepperoni variety.
Cheese free pizza ?! That's like...erm...alcohol free beer. What's the point ?!

Cheese free pizza is like Doctor Who without the Doctor! Have you guys tried Pizza Hut's Triple Cheesy Bites pizza? It's niiiiiice!! :)

Every time I've ordered Dominos, it's been rubbish! Maybe it's just my local branch...
Pizza Hut all the way for me. Then Pizza Express if we're going a bit upmarket.

Favourite pizza toppings anyone? Mine's Hawaiian (Ham and Pineapple) and Margherita due to the fact I dont like mushrooms, peppers or pepperoni!
Pepperoni is without a doubt the standard that all other pizzas are judged against. Other than that, anything with loads of meat, preferably mindblowingly hot too.
Pepperoni is without a doubt the standard that all other pizzas are judged against. Other than that, anything with loads of meat, preferably mindblowingly hot too.

Pizza Hut all the way for me. Then Pizza Express if we're going a bit upmarket.

Favourite pizza toppings anyone? Mine's Hawaiian (Ham and Pineapple) and Margherita due to the fact I dont like mushrooms, peppers or pepperoni!
Oh man.... we would not get along. I HATE pineapple on pizza.

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