Did anyone else...


School Cricketer
Dec 25, 2006
Palm Beach
Online Cricket Games Owned
see Andre Nel's reaction to taking the wicket of Marlon Samuels and think it was extremely over-the-top? I have seen Nel exhibit such aggressive reactions before, but I do think he 'carried on' with it a bit too long for it to be mere competitiveness.

I mean Samuels did well to ignore the reaction, but such an aggressive show towards an individual should be reserved for the locker room. I respect Nel as a bowler, but currently my respect stops there.

I saw on the news that they think the board should investigate his reaction, but I don't see how the board can really exact justice in this instance. No harsh words were said, no obscene gestures made. So though I find his aggressive manner in this case to be in bad taste, I cannot say that he should be punished.
Nel can go way over the top at times when he starts having words with the batsmen but I don't think you can really punish him for that unless he was making some sort of "sending off" gesture.
Nel has always been an aggressive cricketer, but without having seen it, I doubt it was so over the top that action should be taken against him. I'd be more concerned if he called the batsman a monkey.
I just saw his reaction. Waaay too over the top he needs to tone down. i mean celebrate a wicket but dont go that crazy.
Andre Nel just being Andre Nel. No doubt it was excessive and over the top, but who can take him seriously?
Nel often seems to have a screw loose. Just like Sreesanth. those two are jokers on the field (while being extremely nice guys off the field, or so we're told) and I don't think anybody takes their antics seriously any more.

The problem is, try telling that to the match referees. I don't know how they're supposed to interpret the rules in regard to individual pecularities as opposed to genuinely bad behaviour.
Andre Nel annoys me much more than Sreesanth, i actually find Sreesanth entertaining, and i think he's a good bowler, Nel just annoys me. I dont know if it's just me having an unknown vendetta against South African cricketers, but i seem to hate quite a few of them, Smith, Nel, Gibbs, Hall (thats only because he owned England in the WC though :p). I do like Pollock and Steyn though, so it must be that South Africa have the tendency to develop a few annoying cricketers :p
not much a celebations a celebrations just like gary nevilles v liverpool
He has mentality problems I think. Not quite got it all their in his head. He should actually start getting fined. It's pretty bad sportsmanship some of the stuff he does and it's not a good look for cricket. I know I don't enjoy watching him.
Sreesant rips loos alot more than Andre Nel does.....
and I like Andre Nel ( mostly because im South African :p )

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