No Requests Dipak's Graphics | Some new stuff

I like the lighting there and the fact that you have highlighted the render and not the background much. You will want to use white or golden/yellow color for fonts. May be you should try using Neou Thin, Champagne&Limosines and/or Levi brush and it would look much better.
The lightning isn't well balanced. Try increasing the offset or decreasing the gamma, I'd say try increasing offset but just a bit. No need of the texture there, ruins the placement and the text, try a simple white or black bevealed version of the text, it will definitely enhance the beauty. KIU! :cheers
The lightning isn't well balanced. Try increasing the offset or decreasing the gamma, I'd say try increasing offset but just a bit. No need of the texture there, ruins the placement and the text, try a simple white or black bevealed version of the text, it will definitely enhance the beauty. KIU! :cheers

I used curves 4 times to enhance the lighting. I don't use offset and gamma.

Thanks for the comments guys!
Looking good. Nice use of light texture.But feeling Like you have messed bit with exposure. May be you didnt tried those.
Nice avatar. Effects look brilliant on the ava, however I feel that the light source could've been shifted towards Henderson. Text definitely needs more improvement, try to input some contrasting fonts (you can find many in the fonts I sent you :yes). Otherwise, very good work. Keep up!

Btw, can I have a Dhoni Dhobi avatar please?
Nice avatar welcome back.Try to work more on basic elements before adding textures like selective colors,filters etc.I think if you do these steps pretty well then avatar will look good even without textures.Try to experiment more on text.Take your time because i think the more you work the better you get.Even i always have problems with text so nothing to worry much.Good luck :thumbs
@Aggz request done!

A Kaley Cuoco avatar as well!


Comments please :)
Oh my god, it seems as though you done the Dhobi avatar with pure passion, great to see you in great touch, but never thought it will be that player that brings you back to form. I liked the Kaley one the lightning was brilliantly done, but not quite sure about the second stock used.
Dhoni Dhobi whoever is he looks good.
Great work, love that Kaley ava! Lightning looks spot on there. All it needed was a few more effects otherwise great work!

Dhoni's avatar is good as well, but then again, it appealed for more effects.

Great stuff nevertheless, keep it up. :)
Mahendra's avatar is good, it lacks lightning a bit though. some textures would have been good as you're fond of using textures in avatars. The woman's avatar is also good, the second render could be a bit less opaque, everything else looks fine! KIU! you were even better before, almost there. :cheers

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