No Requests Dipak's Graphics | Some new stuff

A finish with the midas touch for Steyn's signature. All you need to do, is to use some other better text effects. Those lightning punches on his fist and arm are looking cool. Nice play with the lightning.:)
That is awesome Dipak, the Gotze avatar though! Brilliantly done, your best since comeback and probably is one of your best if not the best. Steyn siggy to me had great concept with the lights and how you tried to use it, but it just went a bit too bright for some reason. Excellent work nevertheless. :clap
I'm your 800th Dipak, what's my prize. :p
Collab with Megh.

Pretty good...I like the font variation used in here.Textures are terrific.Both of you have done a brilliant job here.

The gotze ava is pretty good.Loved the concept and the text.

I Can say that you are back!!!:)
Really good work. Nice use of font and textures. Everything suiting it. :thumbs
Everything looks perfect in it. Great work done by both of you. :clap
Yes, its looking better.Both the stocks are looking better than previous type. Also lightings looks balanced in it. :thumbs
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Decreased the reds a bit ? Looking better. :thumbs

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