Don Bradman 17 review - Buyers beware!!

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Why don't you open a FB group to discuss this s#%@ over there!

I don't use that crap... what have I done to you lol calm down tiger... I believe this is a forum for discussing things relevant to DBC 17, which I am doing... Your the one swearing at me for no reason, why don't you go use social media!

Also, this is a thread I created, so feel free to ignore it anytime you please!
Loving all the banter. However, for future reference, let's all please observe this lesson:


Incorrect usage of "your" and "you're" makes little baby penguins cry.
OK this is seriously negative thread with not so purpose at all, I can understand the agony of over expectation but I think this is too much , give BAS guys a chance to patch up the game and then comment.
I don't know if someone noticed & brought it up, but when batting in Batsman Far or Close Cameras its relatively easy to play shots to the leg side. But when Batting in Broadcast Camera it becomes problematic, virtually impossible.
You do realize that not everyone who buys this game is a "fans of BA studios", some of us just want a quality game and we don't care about the particulars of who made it!! The product they released certainly has not changed my status to "fan"...

I'm starting to get sick of hearing how "hard" cricket is to code... if BeamNG can simulate a car crash effectively, etc, ... ... wait scrap that again, I don't care!! If it was so hard that Big Ant couldn't do it, then they shouldn't have!!!

"Ross and his team still have a special space in our hearts"... give me a f**king break!!![DOUBLEPOST=1482185003][/DOUBLEPOST]

Found on the back of the DBC 17 case for PS4...

"A control system that delivers an even greater level of variety and precision than ever before"

That is all...


You sort of remind me of the guy who would be the first to moan that no-one is making a Cricket game and scour the World for a developer to make it. When someone does then and it's not up to your standards you'll hammer not just the studio but the game itself.

This is a very negative thread and the answer is simple - if you're not happy with the product as much as you say you are then why not take it back? Or wait for the patches.

Believe it or not BA doesn't have the budget some of those huge developers do so you can't expect such a polished game from such a niche market, just be thankful that you have a simulation of Cricket![DOUBLEPOST=1482222869][/DOUBLEPOST]
Lol, playing a t20, edged it to slips, dropped catch, tried to throw at the stumps, overthrow, ran 6 runs!!! Keep up the good work BA!!

What about FIFA? I've played a few times where a shot deflects off the keeper then the defender and into the back of the net!

Every game has bugs and none are perfect although I'm not sure if you believe that Royce!

While you'd expect any game to be copying every other one in nearly every capacity, but try to do it slightly better, HowZat does the opposite, it copies a bunch of genres and mashes them together without a lot of focus on anything in particular, yet almost pulls it off.

For a browser based Cricket game, it is the best I've played. However that doesn't say all that much, as it really hasn't been attempted before. Games like Stick Cricket are about the only thing similar, and as the name of that suggests, it doesn't try to be proper Cricket. HowZat has bit off a lot in this regard and has some good ideas, the bowling is very well thought out, though with timing missing from the equation, you just pick a spot and pick a speed, which isn't exactly a comprehensive bowling experience, but it is pretty good for what it is, especially considering how wrong some recent full 3D Cricket games that do that badly.

Batting is another story though, there's a lot of missing feedback here. I've found while I'm playing that I could just easily play down the ground, with the only variance being whether it is a single or a four (with the occasional two), but if you try and play different shots, you almost certainly end up mistiming. With the lack of a nets/training mode to practice shots, the only time you get to practice shots is in the middle of a five over match and with the timing/shot selection feedback not there half the time, or not in the game at all, it just leaves you with going for the safe shots, which doesn't make for interesting cricket. On the other hand my first Six was square of the wicket, but I only got 16 in that whole innings because of the amount of time I spent trying and missing.

Fielding is non-existent, you have a choice of three non-ideal fields and no time to make decisions on it (three seconds I think). I'd get reasons for not including a field editor (as it would introduce too many variables), I'd just like some more field settings. It also often seems like the ball goes right through a fielder when you'd expect a catch and sometimes they catch it when you think it has gone through. I doubt Flash has the best physics engine though.

The experience overall is good, my first match was my best match so far, when it is close and you know every ball matters it is thrilling. For me, it is the only online game I've managed to play without lag absolutely ruining it, though there are still lag issues, but when you're on a 256k connection, even the PlanetCricket Database Errors lag a bit.

But what happens when every ball doesn't matter? It becomes a game that lacks the depth it needs to be successful long term. The match engine is good, but it is a gimmick for most online cricket managers, who will quickly move on if there isn't something to hold them there.

Besides getting points for winning (or spamming the game on Facebook) and using these to increase player skills and a level system that hasn't been explained anywhere (as far as I've seen), there isn't all that much on themanagement side.

Abdul bhaai, who is writing all these posts on your behalf?
Please feel free to stop reading my posts at any time you feel so inclined :)

You know what. I might take you up on that! Sorry Royce you make great points but you're the argumentative equivalent of a bunny on Viagra. On the ignore list...
You know what. I might take you up on that! Sorry Royce you make great points but you're the argumentative equivalent of a bunny on Viagra. On the ignore list...
Haha now thats an image, sooo...well....whats your take on biggs then?
Haha now thats an image, sooo...well....whats your take on biggs then?

I like Biggs. He's humorous but at the same time can give valid points and constructive criticism. If you're saying argument-wise I've never had a problem with him. Just annoyed he keeps giving Royce a chance to speak...
As long as Ross and the developers fix the bugs mentioned especially the crashing ones, I don't mind sticking to casual mode in the interim, to practice my skills and play more exciting games..
Are the languages on the PR system during overs only in English? I know there was talk about having them in different languages?

Also, how do you change the colour of the ball so you have a pink ball?

Many thanks

Nooo. I mean like, royce he's a bunny on viagra, so on and so on, but biggs is like .... ..... ....., ?
As long as Ross and the developers fix the bugs mentioned especially the crashing ones, I don't mind sticking to casual mode in the interim, to practice my skills and play more exciting games..

Honestly you should be bloody stoked you can get casual to work!! I've been trying sporadically today to get ANY other mode aside from Career (which has started hitting the crashing phase) to work. Unfortunately the only casual games I can get to work involve very specific teams and inevitably crash after 5 or so overs anyway. It seems some people are getting really lucky with what bugs they are getting whilst others are getting really tweaked over with glitches - myself being one of them! I'm grateful for people uploading their gameplay to youtube so at least I can live vicariously through them. Fingers crossed we get some sort of response from Big Ant shortly because I'd love to know when I can expect to be able to play the game!!
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