Don Bradman 17 review - Buyers beware!!

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To be honest I am kinda feeling for Ross but he is the one to blame himself for these unnecessary bashing non constructive criticism , if he had only acted in a civilized manner instead of being abusive this thread would probably had more civilized comments ,

Bottom line, he doesn't need to be here. I think it's amazing the access we have to the developers and it's refreshing to see keyboard warriors called out by the CEO of a company, I wish more businessmen were as honest and open as Ross.
To be honest I am kinda feeling for Ross but he is the one to blame himself for these unnecessary bashing non constructive criticism , if he had only acted in a civilized manner instead of being abusive this thread would probably had more civilized comments ,

Yup getting a developer to directly pm and look into the buyer's issue is very abusive!
I haven't gotten a chance to play yet but have some questions with players.

1. How is batting shots animation looking? Anything improved in that aspect from DBC 14?
2. Is there a confidence meter for the batsman? How he progress through the innings?
3. Does pitch and weather play some part in the innings?
4. Can a bowler sledge to undermine the batsman confidence when he bowls a good delivery?

These elements were missing in DBC 14.. I wish they would have inducted it to make the game look more fun, interactive and skill based?
That is needlessly antagonistic. They are here, posting on the site. They have confirmed a forthcoming patch.

Unnecessary trolling.
Maybe, like myself, this guy hadn't seen the post regarding the forthcoming patch. Could somebody put a link to this post on here please?
I'm still more than happy with DB14 and could play that for years to come, although my opening partner Klinger must be around 70 now. I'm sure BA will sort out this game but meanwhile I'll keep 14 probs!
Here is where he has already mentioned. Now STFU DBC17 Patch2 Wishlist | Page 2 - Don Bradman Cricket 17 Forum on PlanetCricket Forums

I understand you have given your money. If you are not happy just return the damn product. Stop complaining when you have 100% developers support. This game wasnt even going to come till 22nd.

Also read this

I don't think they should stop complaining, but they should do it the right way.
I agree this is a public forum, I agree everyone has a right if opinion and freedom of speech. I have seen lot of people complaing, pointing out bugs and errors. There is a little decency in the way you speak. We as a consumer have rights ti point out wrongs as we have bought the product but that does not mean we talk in this way. I know Ross sometimes goes a tad overboard but imagine the frustration. This social media age everyone sitting behind a computer can duck. If we dont like things our way we start criticizing. Just think from a developers perspective. They are freaking here, wanting to see what is the problem, working on a Saturday, fixing stuff. I know this should have not passed QA argument, but each company has limitations. They are not rich financial or health care firms who have tons of money to spend.

I would have been pissed or ciriticized BA if they would have disappeared once game releases. And dont give me a crap saying I have right as I have bought the game. Yes you have right to criticize the game not the developers. You do not own them. People who have not worked in an environment like this do not know how much goes into developing a product and just imagine after delivering something better obviously then 14 coming here seeing mostly shit post. Not to forget FB and twitter where they are constantly active and replying to anyones needs or queries. That to a CEO.
So I tried to play again, heres a summary of my experience:

- Game crashed 2 times trying to load a game after changing batting order before the game...
- While bowling, computer fielders dropped 9 catches in less than 8 overs, straight at them, easy catches, no reflex game thingy, just drops
- I literally cannot set a field... everytime I change the field, it changes to something else... I've tried preset fields, fields that I made in outside of the match, fields I made during the match, The fields will not stay the same!!! As in, immediately after i go out of the menu having selected a field, I look around and that field is no longer in use... not using R2 to look around OR in the field settings menu...
- AI batters only scoring in particular zones, not surprisingly these coincide with the areas that we as players are forced to hit the ball in... they do not score anywhere else...

Im really trying to find a silver lining here people, but really, major issues with batting, catching, field settings, bowling, the academy (cant download best teams), ...
Been playing DBC17 on PS4 Pro for about 8 hours. Its crashed 3 times in the first hour of playing.
What i found was at the end of each innings if you button mash to skip innings details it will crash for me. I'm now a bit more patient and it has not crashed since. I'm not saying its a fix but maybe somebody else is having the same issue and this is a temporary solution.

I have not had any other major gameplay issues with the game. I can play 360 degree shots without a problem and can bowl bouncers too without having to change sliders. It just takes practice. There is definitely a big learning curve here on batting and bowling which i love.

Fielders diving around is minimal but i found that if you throw in accurate they dive much less. After all in real cricket if you throw rubbish at stumps the keeper will have to dive to collect.

I think a lot of people are trying to play the game like DBC14. You cannot.
Everything is different and for me its for the better good.

Anyway i'm just trying to be helpful and hopefully somebody might find the post useful. I'm not licking ass (unless its my GF) but in my opinion BUYERS BE AWARE its the best cricket game to date.

TIP for bowling a bouncer.
Select Straight Ball. Press short ball. Hold R2 trigger for speed and hold R1 for short delivery button. Good jump and release and you will get a good bouncer.

Now who fancies getting there ass kicked (not licked) online? ;)
So I tried to play again, heres a summary of my experience:

- Game crashed 2 times trying to load a game after changing batting order before the game...
- While bowling, computer fielders dropped 9 catches in less than 8 overs, straight at them, easy catches, no reflex game thingy, just drops
- I literally cannot set a field... everytime I change the field, it changes to something else... I've tried preset fields, fields that I made in outside of the match, fields I made during the match, The fields will not stay the same!!! As in, immediately after i go out of the menu having selected a field, I look around and that field is no longer in use... not using R2 to look around OR in the field settings menu...
- AI batters only scoring in particular zones, not surprisingly these coincide with the areas that we as players are forced to hit the ball in... they do not score anywhere else...

Im really trying to find a silver lining here people, but really, major issues with batting, catching, field settings, bowling, the academy (cant download best teams), ...

Automatic or Manual fielding?
God I'm going to give this game a serious going over today..

One thing that people should remember and this applied to 14. These games have a huge life span. It's worth the wait for the tweaks and fixes.

I have always said if no cricket title was made again. I could play 14 for years to come.

Bugs etc I can see past.
Crashes and freezing I can understand are a little more frustrating.

But if anyone here is a COD fan, they will remember Black Ops 1 freezing and having to reboot their PS3 from the wall!

You think this is frustrating, imagine it happening on 15 kill streak ;)

@BigAntStudios fix stuff. They always do. They already are!

Also this gameplay. 42 mins of decent test cricket with someone learning the ropes.

If that's the base we are working from I don't see the massive issue!?

Good gameplay...what is the fielding camera used?
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