Don Bradman Cricket 14 - first impressions thread

How would you defend with soft hands and control the power if that is the case?

I Think defending should be with both sticks without the pressing of R2. Instead drive/attack shot should work with both sticks and r2. And leaving the ball should be just left stick without any other input. Check the videos sibi, nearly no one is trying to block, Everyone is playing shots every ball. You can blame the players, but i honestly think it is due to playing attacking shots being less complex than blocking. Then again my whole view regarding this has been based on nets only since i don't have the game yet. So pardon me if i change my view later. But still i will welcome "alternate controller settings" in this game like in some other sports games.
Exactly, defense should not be premeditated. But the three layers of complexity forces it to be premeditated. As you say "power" shots are premeditated. Then why should the opposite trigger be involved for a non-premeditated shot?

That is actually really true, theres too much involved with a defensive shot that just makes it impossible to play unless it is premeditated.
Exactly, defense should not be premeditated. But the three layers of complexity forces it to be premeditated. As you say "power" shots are premeditated. Then why should the opposite trigger be involved for a non-premeditated shot?

In real cricket a defensive shot is generally more compact and involves less complex movements than an attacking stoke. Eg: a back foot defence is simply getting in line with the ball from a normal stance as opposed to full blooded cover drive that requires getting the foot to the ball, a high back lift and hitting through it and transferring weight through the stroke. The controls should replicate this IMO. Keep the triggers for premeditating. Keep the sticks for the reactive element.

Just my opinion. I think defence is the core fundamental of building an innings.
Bloody brilliant thing just happened. Morne Morkel bowling to Hughes (me), tested me with about 4 short balls, hit me a couple of times then followed up with a sucker ball, short and wide outside off I slashed at it and got a knick. Never experience anything like that in a cricket game ever. :thumbs
Just so I understand clearly, people are finding the batting OK in all areas of the game except career?

BTW Nets are easier in the CA for all sorts of reasons, one of which you are Bradman in the Nets.


That is a most reasonable summation.

Why doesnt it just replicate whats in the game? I thought that was the point of net practice. I wish it did.

And Bradman is at a default average skilled batsman in the nets isnt he? And you can change this value from what Ive seen cant you?

I find batting in matches difficult full stop. Compared to bowling anyway. Of course its harder in early career cos your player hasnt developed the skills.
So what, you want batting to be LESS complex?

I know that was not directed at me, but, i would like blocking to be less complex than playing shots and leaving the ball to be less complex than both.

1 stick LS for leaving, 2 sticks LS+ RS for blocking, 2 sticks +R2 for shots.

Basically make shots more complex and blocking easier.
I know that was not directed at me, but, i would like blocking to be less complex than playing shots and leaving the ball to be less complex than both.
1 stick LS for leaving, 2 sticks LS+ RS for blocking, 2 sticks +R2 for shots.

Basically make shots more complex and blocking easier.

Just a thought...maybe wait for a bit longer than 2-3 days and see if you actually improve by playing more? It's all well and good saying you suck now, but until you've spent some more time with it, it doesn't mean a whole lot.

I'd argue this game isn't so much focused on making an enjoyable learning curve, as it is providing an experience with longevity and replay ability.

Calling for the re balancing or change (addition of an alternate method is a different story) of core gameplay mechanics/controls this soon after the release is jumping the gun a little bit. Not debating the merit of the conversation, just the timing.
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Hopefully all these things can be changed with a patch.

I am not asking for a change. I am asking for alternate controller settings that some people can choose from if they are having trouble with the current default version. I know i had troubles in the nets where i used to play shots to get a streak going rather than trying to block.
Just a thought...maybe wait for a bit longer than 2-3 days and see if you actually improve by playing more? It's all well and good saying you suck now, but until you've spent some more time with it, it doesn't mean a whole lot.

I'd argue this game isn't so much focused on making an enjoyable learning curve, as it is providing an experience with longevity and replay ability.

To be honest the issues we are mentioning arent things that sort of get better with time. The Pro difficulty level definitely has problems that just dont get fixed with time and the fact that Amateur level is just way too easy means that playing Amateur to get ready for Pro is just not going help.
Just a thought...maybe wait for a bit longer than 2-3 days and see if you actually improve by playing more? It's all well and good saying you suck now, but until you've spent some more time with it, it doesn't mean a whole lot.

I'd argue this game isn't so much focused on making an enjoyable learning curve, as it is providing an experience with longevity and replay ability.
Calling for the re balancing or change of core gameplay mechanics/controls this soon after the release is jumping the gun a little bit. Not debating the merit of the conversation, just the timing.

Pretty sure actually enjoying playing the game is the only element relating to replay ability.


I am not asking for a change. I am asking for alternate controller settings that some people can choose from if they are having trouble with the current default version. I know i had troubles in the nets where i used to play shots to get a streak going rather than trying to block.

Would be awesome if we could configure our own controller settings. Dont know why we cant - most other games you can.
To be honest the issues we are mentioning arent things that sort of get better with time. The Pro difficulty level definitely has problems that just dont get fixed with time and the fact that Amateur level is just way too easy means that playing Amateur to get ready for Pro is just not going help.

So correct me if I'm wrong, but are you trying to argue against the fact that if I play at Pro difficulty, that I would get better at it/more used to it over time?
Has anyone got a decent bowled yet? So far all mine have been edges off the bat/pad. Who has bowled someone, and sent the stumps cartwheeling?
Why doesnt it just replicate whats in the game? I thought that was the point of net practice.

And Bradman is at a default average ability isnt he? And you can change that.

I find batting in matches difficult full stop. Compared to bowling anyway. Of course its harder in early career cos your player hasnt developed the skills.

I think you'll find the other reasons Ross didn't mention are like Career batsman default skills in comparison to the bowler, added pressure we put ourselves being in a 'career' situation, the fact we have to pay attention to fielders, having to pick up cues from the bowler annimation as opposed to the bowling machine, factoring in wind, temperature and pitch wear, condition of our player.. just to name a few that come to mind.

These are factors people did not think about when they complained batting in the nets were too easy. People are now seeing how much of an effect these mental and non-obvious factors actually make.


Has anyone got a decent bowled yet? So far all mine have been edges off the bat/pad. Who has bowled someone, and sent the stumps cartwheeling?

My only non-catch wicket was a bowled on a slower full ball that swung (a bit) very late. Batsman was on line but just swung too early.
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