Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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What we need to do now with all this mainstream coverage is start another PC campaign about quality of Don Bradman 14.

Let us now use our powers for good. Especially with some news outlets covering the worst cricket game. They might like a follow-up about the best cricket game.

I'm not even joking on this point.
What we need to do now with all this mainstream coverage is start another PC campaign about quality of Don Bradman 14.

Let us now use our powers for good. Especially with some news outlets covering the worst cricket game. They might like a follow-up about the best cricket game.

I'm not even joking on this point.

Completely agree!!!! Lets hype it up!!!
Im not sure if its the best or worst time to announce the release of DBC14 at the moment. The world is still in shock from seeing how bad Ashes 13 was. And consumer confidence in a cricket game product is now at an all time low. Hell, it was even mentioned on the radio this morning how bad Ashes 13 was and how disgusted Cricket Australia and the ECB are. (882 AM in Perth if anyone is wondering). Ive never heard any form of broadcasted public announcement (including advertisments) about a cricket game since Cricket 96 was offered as a free give away with a pack of Weetbix 17 years ago. And now all we have is a rant about how bad a game was.

How would the public react to the announcement of the release of another game? It can go two ways:
- "Oh youve got to be kidding me, here we go again....." or
- "Wow this looks a lot better, with all this talk about cricket games at the moment and The (actual) Ashes youve got me interested now"

Either way, the trailer has to hit hard and instill some confidence.

I cant help feel that Ashes 13 is gonna cost Big Ant sales regardless of when its released. Pushing back to winter will be silly as no one cares about cricket then.

Next summer might even be realistic? Hope not though.
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Girlfriend just called me:

She had put a pre-order on both games at EB when they very FIRST started accepting, probably 4 months ago.

She received an email today stating that Ashes 2013 had been cancelled and will not be coming to consoles.

This is quite obviously the news that has come to light overnight to Ross.

I've kept my excitement in tact this whole time, but I have a feeling we won't be waiting too much longer.
The two posts by Ross clearly suggests that Trailer would be revealed today, Release date would not.

Let's enjoy what we are getting and stop making Sh*t up.

And I thought about the same thing Ross mentioned that even if release date is announced they might have problem with logistics and getting the game delivered in time.....Mainly because of Ashes retailers will surely be irritated with what has happened to ashes cricket game ....They have to believe that its a nice product and trailer release will make sure of that...:)
Ross: So the trailer comes out at the standard BA studios time??

[6pm ,Friday] the time owned by Ross....;)

The good thing about the trailer is that we will see the legend Don Bradman bat in the game....:yes
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Any one knows whats the least time frame of release date , after bigant announcing game...Considering previous games announcments....
You have lost me Ross!!!! Was just stating that I hope it doesn't release in 2014, never said anything about it being cancelled!!!

TBC? Doesn't that mean To Be Cancelled?
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