Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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I think you're wrong there.

Why do you say that? Look at AFL Live, that had a PC version just sit there for I think a year even. I don't think Bradman will take that long.

Also I don't think this is a reflection of BA being c-nuts but simply Tru Blu being realistic (and/or c-nuts) with PC piracy killing console sales if they come out at the same time.
I see what you're saying but I think we'll get the same date for all three with nextgen later.

Wouldn't surprise me if the game releases on all the platforms, including PS4 & Xbox One, at the same time.
Wouldn't surprise me if the game releases on all the platforms, including PS4 & Xbox One, at the same time.

Would surprise me. If you release later for next-gen, you increase the number of people who'll buy both versions by a reasonable amount.
It is just an announcement of the date, I wouldn't wait up for it or get too excited.
This makes me very relieved. I had a bad feeling that we wouldn't actually get the proper date for another few weeks, even though that feeling had no backup to it. I've decided that I don't really care what the date is, as long I know when I can actually get the game.
Same as that chinaman, I hope there are pre orders available in UK ASAP! Maybe once the announcement is made the listings will begin.
The date should have been announced along with the second trailer.
The date should have been announced along with the second trailer.
Although it probably was just a suggestion, I'll put these quotes here to clarify (the latter is a reply to the first quote):
Will a new trailor be acompianing the release date on Friday Ross, or will you start the marketing campaign a little closer to the release? I understand you can't divulge too much, but obviously the excitement is building and Im looking forward to seeing how the campaign pans out.having never been on any game forum before this and never classed myself as a gamer before I do feel a part of it in some way.

The release on Friday is primarily about the release of the game, there won't be any "supporting" material unless I think something needs to be done for the voting on the CA and a few other improvements.
Can't believe this thread is going to hit 10k posts before the actual release date is known .."..
Anyone got an idea what time this announcement will be made!! Its nearly 01:00 am in uk?
Anyone got an idea what time this announcement will be made!! Its nearly 01:00 am in uk?

Usually Ross posts any details around UK 08.30hrs, therefore i think its best you have nice sleep and relax. Once you wake up you should have the release date.
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