Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Does it look like this? You may have issues if it does.



Even if it looks like this:


He may have serious issues :p
Disappointed about PC release. I can understand why this has occurred though but I hope Big Ant can give us some sort of proper demo to tide us over until mid-year (or close enough to).
Sorry Matt, I agree with this but it's still a let down for sure. PS Do you own a console mate.
I have an Xbox 360 - but I much prefer playing on PC, graphics are better, ability to screenshot/record gameplay easily, free online play, the ability to modify the game, and most of all, I wouldn't want to start my career on Xbox and then have no way to continue it on PC once it came out, if I did take the route of getting it on Xbox while waiting for the PC release.

Don't know what to do about my pre-order. A boxed game is pointless for a Steam release and paying $90 for a PC game will sting even more with the delay.
To all of the people who feel disappointed by the staggered PC release, remember that; by decreasing piracy and increasing sales for DBC14, there is more likely to be a DBC15 etc. surely as fans of cricket gaming, a 2 month delay to have a well made and playable cricket gaming series is worth the wait?

You are gonna play it on a console....arent you? :p
I have an Xbox 360 - but I much prefer playing on PC, graphics are better, ability to screenshot/record gameplay easily, free online play, the ability to modify the game, and most of all, I wouldn't want to start my career on Xbox and then have no way to continue it on PC once it came out, if I did take the route of getting it on Xbox while waiting for the PC release.

Don't know what to do about my pre-order. A boxed game is pointless for a Steam release and paying $90 for a PC game will sting even more with the delay.


That's what im doing.
Agree with MattW, total bullshit strategy. No box version of PC means no sales in India (cricket crazy nation). Cricket games are mostly played on PC in India. Expected it to be a good friday, which has turned into a depressing friday. Disappointed..:facepalm

India was never their primary market.

Steam also equals less piracy along with far greater sales.

We will also utilise the online services of Steam for leaderboards and matchmaking instead of our own. If we were to release a steam/non-steam version then this would not be possible.

"Total bullshit" is an incredible knee jerk overreaction.

totally agree!
I feel sorry for you PC players but this is the right move, the money is in consoles and we all know that. I would just tried to get over it, still I have to make a few calls tonight. Going to be like a police officer giving bad news out.
@angad yes but only because my laptop isn't particularly geared up for gaming. I just feel as though there is a lot of selfishness from PC members who aren't thinking about future games
Releasing on pc later, regardless of steam, means that people tossing up between pirating a pc version or buying a console version may do the later.

How many people would have a decent gaming PC AND a console both? I would guess the number wouldn't be too high.
So may for pc

Don Bradman Cricket 14 for Xbox360 and PlayStation3 shall be released towards the end of March 2014 to coincide with the tournament between the major cricket nations that is occurring at that time.

In order to reach as many people as possible the PC version shall be reengineered to run on Steam and shall release two months after the Console versions.

Bloody hell i pre ordered for pc now you tell us we have to wait till May and have to use STEAM yuck its a good game iam sure but there is no way iam using steam:mad
What percentage of sales do PC copies usually make up? Is there a general figure?
India was never their primary market.

Without trying to start something (and with no disrespect to the good ones that don't do this, like the many here on PC), but I would presume that it is the high level of piracy on PC games in a cricket mad country like India is one of the reasons behind this.
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