Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Best bet is to pm @barmyarmy @MattW @Dutch @BigAntStudios but most especially @Ross. Lots of people think @BigAntStudios is BigAnt developers, whereas actually I'm pretty sure it's Anthony's Hair Studio of Dalston. @Ross is Ross, obviously, and Ross is big ant.

One of them will tell you, if you ask nicely. But if not you can try any one of @Biggs @SnowyCasanova @ChinamanSpin @zombieian

I'd try them all a couple of times just to be safe.



Dont pm as I am too busy recording game play off the beta version of DBC.....ooooh Anderson traps him right in front......

By the way has anyone else noticed that Biggs and Zombieian have been offline for the exact amount of time.....:spy:eek:

I think they are making out er I mean up
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pah... I'm already on Gamma. I got it after PMing @Ross for the 49th time.

Yeah I had to send Ross at least 40 pms before he caved in. Worth a try I would say for anyone still wanting to take part in the beta. Just keep pming him and he will cave in in the end. Even if he says he has no idea what you are talking about just hang in there.....and use a lot of smilies, I mean a lot. Ross loves smilies.
I am particularly fond of :facepalm :rolleyes :spy and am so glad they are never used inappropriately on here - emoticon abuse is a crime.
:rolleyes :facepalm

@Ross will no doubt be signing people up for sure, he must have signed up Zombie and Biggs as they are nowhere to be found :spy
That's just wrong Ross, and I've just snorted my cocoa!!!

Edit gee its been a long time since I've said anything close to that!!
Initiation complete, welcome aboard!!
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