Don Bradman Cricket 14 PC PLAYABLE NOW!

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Terry has replied to my e-mail:

Terry Clarke
To Me
Today at 11:34 AM
Hi Thabang

Yes it does does come with a steelcase and it is set for release next week Friday on the 04-04-2014.


Kind Regards
Terry Clarke
Websales Manager

Can you perhaps send me his email address?
No, an employee who doesn't give a shit about their job still have no idea.

It's in the EB system.

Not going argue about the employee's aptitude or willingness to work but the point still stands. Week before release no signage; no visual display that this game is coming.

Unless you expect every EB employee to start spouting off about games that are in the system and not anywhere else no one is going to know about the game.
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i'm not sure what Eb games u have been into.but i have been into 2 in perth and they both have 3rd of April clearly visable
One in my hometown only had preorder and nothing else. On my way back up to Melbourne stopped at a an EB and they had no idea.
It seems like getting hold of the game in the UK is easier than getting it in Aus! And that is saying something......
Not going argue about the employee's aptitude or willingness to work but the point still stands. Week before release no signage; no visual display that this game is coming.

Unless you expect every EB employee to start spouting off about games that are in the system and not anywhere else no one is going to know about the game.

i doubt every employee knows about every game... i assume they would have a lot of games coming shortly, including ones that to them are "bigger" than DBC.
I'm starting to think that the expectation of DBC14 being a "slow burner" is just code word for no marketing...
It's okay, at least the salesperson who took my pre-order for DBC today did ask me if I wanted to pre-order Watch Dogs as well.

Didn't stay around long enough to see if the trailer was running on the screens, but no box on the shelves.
It's okay, at least the salesperson who took my pre-order for DBC today did ask me if I wanted to pre-order Watch Dogs as well.

Didn't stay around long enough to see if the trailer was running on the screens, but no box on the shelves.

It is a strange way of doing things but hey, I will have the game next week and I wish them well....
From watchdogs i remember that i preordered it somewhere around August last year before it got delayed. Couple of days back i got email from flipkart for confirming my preorder and letting me know that since i had it on preorder already before rupee nosedived, the expected price increase wont affect my order. :cheers
I will have the game next week and I wish them well....

I thought you pre ordered with ShopTo, Did you switch?
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