Don Bradman Cricket 17 First Impressions Thread

Pirates are always complaining.
Long long ago, i was a pirate for video games! Piracy was a necessity back then as i was school kid and never learnt to ask parents for money to buy video games. I was happy with crack and mod video games and sometime eventually ended up having more fun than original buyers did. Now, i can afford, so I buy. The point is, pirates do get annoyed, questions a lot, gets impatient about new cracks or updates to be cracked, so on; but the power to "complain" rights are solely lies with the original buyers, because they paid for something and if something alters and make them dissatisfied, they have rights to complain. Pirates get all for free, why would they complain? :)

P.S: I'm not promoting piracy. To me it's crime and I despise being or alligning with a criminal.
Piracy was a necessity back then


...good to see things are pretty much still the same.

Hi all.

Dave: "Hello HAL. Do you read me. ....... HAL, do you read me?"
HAL 9000: "Affirmative, Dave. I read you."
Dave: "I need you to update my batting average correctly, HAL."
HAL 9000. "..................".
Dave: "HAL?"
HAL 9000: "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that."
I don't think this is a film anymore but more like art the connotations within the film are immense, the question immense.[DOUBLEPOST=1492116868][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm starting to believe that anybody who dislikes this game is a pirate it's the only logical explanation for the criticism. Pirates are always complaining.
Easy now...
I don't think this is a film anymore but more like art the connotations within the film are immense, the question immense.
Then what do you make of this? (There's more to this scenario better left for private or left unsaid)

You missed nothing.
.......But my (yours) sweet and short, constructive response to the loyal members!! :D (rest of your sentence)

Jokes apart, any more words about the upcoming patch? I believe all of the bugs reported in the relative threads should be patched for sure! Never doubt BA's effort on fixing something spectacularly well!! :)
the patch should be pretty close it nearly the end of april when will the next annoucment
the patch should be pretty close it nearly the end of april when will the next annoucment
By that logic, it's also the start of the month given we're not even half way through
They say no news is good news and let's be honest the longer they spend fixing things the better? Let's not rush them into making mistakes, this is afteral a 'long term' project and have known this since DBC 14 so look at the frequency of patches there.

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