Don Bradman Cricket 17 General Discussion

They were probably trying to run away from that hideous sponsor...

Do we know what difficulty setting that was on though? I agree, you shouldn't be able to manage it every ball like that, though maybe if you're the bowler you could bring the fielders in a bit closer to take advantage of it? I'm sure I saw a setting for something like that somewhere...
One of the things i've noticed is that you can pretty much play tip and run. In quite a lot of the videos i've seen, you can hit straight to, or just to the left/right of the fielder and fairly comfortably make the run. Either the batsmen running between the wickets are too quick, or the fielder isn't getting to/releasing the ball quick enough. Kind of makes shot placement unnecessary if picking up singles/3 to the outfield really easy. Here's a good example where he's pretty much playing hit and run:

Of course, it could be the difficulty setting?
Thats where you could bring the "Fielders position:Up" and make them save the singles..Not sure AI would do so but would be great if they also make use of that feature...

BTW in that Twistie's stream there were some brilliant edges, though played on easy, they were awesome to see...
Watching the video I noticed something else. When de kock is run out, the replay shows a no ball. A free hit called for next ball, fine.
Then I noticed the field change hud pop up. You can't change the field on a free hit.
With regard to running speed. I would take into account that since it's Aus v SA the player attributes are probably high, maybe try using a team with lower physical stats and see how it looks. It's all helpful to find a balance, maybe we'll find that skills are fine but some attributes need to be toned down.
With regard to running speed. I would take into account that since it's Aus v SA the player attributes are probably high, maybe try using a team with lower physical stats and see how it looks. It's all helpful to find a balance, maybe we'll find that skills are fine but some attributes need to be toned down.
You can change the field if the batsman cross and or if a new batter comes in
Watching the video I noticed something else. When de kock is run out, the replay shows a no ball. A free hit called for next ball, fine.
Then I noticed the field change hud pop up. You can't change the field on a free hit.
In case of change of batsman you can change the field
Watching the video I noticed something else. When de kock is run out, the replay shows a no ball. A free hit called for next ball, fine.
Then I noticed the field change hud pop up. You can't change the field on a free hit.

Did the strikers change? I believe you can change it if it's a different batsman facing[DOUBLEPOST=1481646491][/DOUBLEPOST]
In case of change of batsman you can change the field

Beat me to it.
This may have already been discussed or brought up but will we be able to play matches online versus opposite formats?
PS4 VS Xbox One etc...?
Right just to get this in my thick skull.... When i get the game and i download a team from community like the ones created on here... (For example England) If all the players in that team have bats done for them and the stadiums added to the team... Do they all come across with the team download? Sorry for my stupidity just that there's alot more creations tied into each aspect now. Thank you
You're not the only one - perhaps when all teams are done someone could do a proper tutorial video to show how to properly skin the game with the real life teams, bats, stadiums, ad boards etc

Edited to say, or will it be as simple as clicking Get Best (when it's working?)
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