Don Bradman Cricket 17 General Discussion

The question would be would we add value in our feedback if the logic behind current AI is explained to us more!

The thing with discussing AI logic would be if its discussed it may become gameable, but in this case a good AI system would be one that could be openly discussed but still not be gameable or spoil the party!

I don't think it's realistic or even reasonable to expect them to discuss that sort of detail.

I was looking not for a detailed explanation but more a yes or no or whatever around "we believe we have insight into what caused those types of frustration and have looked at how we can remedy that" rather than "you didn't get edges/play and misses because of A, B and C and we've changed that to X, Y and Z" which of course they wouldn't reveal.

I'm not a game designer so this could be way off, but I personally believe the AI knowing the exact trajectory of the ball was the root of the issue. I'd like there to be a function of the conditions, bowler skill & batsman skill that gives a zone of doubt (that would literally be millimetres even for rabbits vs Glenn McGrath) to give the narrow play and misses, poor leaves and edges.
I think it's waaaaaaäæÿ too early to be talking about any of that.
I think it's waaaaaaäæÿ too early to be talking about any of that.

Disagree strongly. Not expecting detail but just a comment re lessons learned from the first one.

Let's be honest: if the AI bats the same as in DBC14 and there's no difference bowling to number 1 & number 11, other changes don't amount to a hill of beans.
Let's be honest: if the AI bats the same as in DBC14 and there's no difference bowling to number 1 & number 11, other changes don't amount to a hill of beans.

I'm pretty sure it's a given that they'll be fixing all of that and more... Apart from that, I wouldn't expect any specifics like you're asking/talking about to be confirmed this far out when the very things you're asking about are most likely still being programmed/workshopped/whatever the professional term is.

That aside; I would imagine fairly high on Ross' list would be the term: "Robust AI"

We're already 27 pages into this thing, Matt's already said he can't talk specifics in that detail, yet people keep asking really specific questions. I would suggest maybe waiting until we're at the "official images" stage for that kinda stuff, that generally points to the game being a lot further along in development and would suggest there's a working build.

Keep this thread for info that has come from direct sources about the game, rather than speculation/wishes.

...otherwise it's going to be dull reading and dull in-fighting about things that may or may not exist in the game and what was or wasn't good about the last one. Etcetera.
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I know that last time we knew more by 2 quarters out in fact nearly all, but the constant "release date debacle" + [HASHTAG]#ashes[/HASHTAG] cricket# made people a bit nuts, I recall, Ross had said something like " next time it will be different" but I would've hoped we would at least have seen a few screenshots and know something of the improvements and additional content.
Hopefully the academy comes soon. Really looking forward to that. With or without the "playable content".
but I would've hoped we would at least have seen a few screenshots and know something of the improvements and additional content.

All due respect and devils advocate time but; You know of some of the improvements already that can and have been discussed, including additional content... most of this has come via social media (twitter) and their official forums. So again, that stuff is out there, I would say short of a oven-mitten screenshot, we're about in the same place as we were last time. ...except the dude that owns the forum works for Big Ant. So arguably a better place, depending on your perspective.

I expect they'll release images when they "officially" announce this in a magic-in-the-box announcement in the next month or so.

IMHO I think people are being impatient because of the extraordinary coverage and involvement we had last time, especially with the Ashes-Bourke-Street drama. This time around it'll be much, much different.
On screenshots, I can give the explanation Ross gave me the last time I asked to be able to post screenshots - it essentially comes down to the oven mitt thing - the early screenshots of DBC14 before it even had that name are still being used in articles talking about the sequel. Knowing that, Ross wants the first things shown of this game to be as indicative as possible of the final quality - which will mean there's still a bit of time between now and that happening.

On features - we're 6-9 months from release - obviously not everything is going to be revealed now, and also, as @Ross said:
PS: Yeah, I know, it's not Friday, we'll own them again soon

So there's that.

I was looking not for a detailed explanation but more a yes or no or whatever around "we believe we have insight into what caused those types of frustration and have looked at how we can remedy that" rather than "you didn't get edges/play and misses because of A, B and C and we've changed that to X, Y and Z" which of course they wouldn't reveal.
Well I suppose then, Yes. There was a ground up review of how the AI functions, and the areas of the AI processes that were the reasons behind things happening the way they did. Same applies for every area of the game - everything for the new game was designed and structured around the feedback and flaws of the old game; as well as what enhancements in Big Ant's tech allows now that wasn't possible during the development cycle of DBC14.

I'm very hopeful - but as I said, I want to have hundreds of hours of Tests played with the AI completed before I start saying "yes" to whether certain things are fixed.

Matt, five or salmon cake? Also a follow up question; guava?
Five for sure, I hate salmon. No.
@MattW,When will be a new academy released as last time as it was confirmed earlier.
Without wanting to be a. A dick and b. A bigger one, just like to say it is fantastic having Matt involved in the development of the game. The man knows cricket games, breathes and lives them and his favourite part is bowling and like many of us has always been so so frustrated by previous attempts. It is no guarantee of course that it will work with this coming game but I sure as hell am happy that Matt is heavily involved

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