Don Bradman Cricket 17 General Discussion

haha, peaches are universally liked either way. But thank you for the reply. It was indeed peachy of you.

EDIT: Appreciate a space where I can talk about cricket with level headed people, especially living in a country where cricket as a sport is not on the radar. Thanks
If you like County cricket then catch you on that thread soon, best wishes Caz.
Just seen the AI get run out by setting off for a run AFTER the wicketkeeper had received the ball from the fielder. He stood there and watched the ball coming in from Deep Point, having made his ground for the single before the ball even reached the fielder. The ball comes in, the keeper catches it, then the batsman decides to try and run, and obviously he's barely even taken his first step before the bails have been removed and he's out. I love this game, but there are some serious serious problems still lurking around in there.
Just seen the AI get run out by setting off for a run AFTER the wicketkeeper had received the ball from the fielder. He stood there and watched the ball coming in from Deep Point, having made his ground for the single before the ball even reached the fielder. The ball comes in, the keeper catches it, then the batsman decides to try and run, and obviously he's barely even taken his first step before the bails have been removed and he's out. I love this game, but there are some serious serious problems still lurking around in there.
I had one similar where the AI took off the ball was thrown to bowler the bowler had two swipes at stumps didn't break stumps the first time or the second time then threw the ball at the stumps to dislodge bails by that time the batsman had made it back when watched replay the bowlers hands went straight through the stumps
Patch 4 please Sa online league players leaving because of bugs no one will be left in a month.
Just testing out the IPL teams with some AI vs AI encounters. Accidentally had Eoin Morgan (Bowling rating - 0) set as the first bowler for Kings XI Punjab. Of course, he took a hat-trick. Seriously, what the hell? :lol

AI vs AI is really a waste of time. Trust me, and I really wanted this feature to work. It shows how shot the batting AI is, and bowlers rarely bowl in the greens which results in agressive shots and scooped catches.

The mentalities of the AI batsmen don't really make any difference, although strangely they do seem to with the bowlers.
Given up playing it myself. DBC '14 is far less buggy and can play a fair game.

Reporting bugs seems like reporting into a void. Who's to know what's been solved or not so far?
@BigAntStudios listening?

Please give us some tentative date of patch 4 ,even if it is releasing in august it's fine ... we would be satisfied that some activity is planned .
Now we are not even sure whether we get any patches ?
@BigAntStudios listening?

Please give us some tentative date of patch 4 ,even if it is releasing in august it's fine ... we would be satisfied that some activity is planned .
Now we are not even sure whether we get any patches ?

Ross has stated many times that they are working on a patch. I don't think he is obliged to give us an ETA when there may not even be an ETA. That would be futile. Seen that many times in other games where a community manager gives a guess towards a date, then the community takes that as a solid date. Stuff happens behind the scenes that means that guess is inaccurate, then all of a sudden, they have "lied". It's lose-lose for the developers. They get stick for guessing a date, yet they also get stick for keeping quiet. I wouldn't want to be a dev, personally. Would you?
Ross has stated many times that they are working on a patch. I don't think he is obliged to give us an ETA when there may not even be an ETA. That would be futile. Seen that many times in other games where a community manager gives a guess towards a date, then the community takes that as a solid date. Stuff happens behind the scenes that means that guess is inaccurate, then all of a sudden, they have "lied". It's lose-lose for the developers. They get stick for guessing a date, yet they also get stick for keeping quiet. I wouldn't want to be a dev, personally. Would you?
Oh is it ... waiting since long hence mentioned this . No offence
Oh is it ... waiting since long hence mentioned this . No offence

Last we heard on the patch was only a week ago. From what Ross says, they are still looking through the bug reports to see what are genuine issues and what is not. It's going to take time.

I'm no expert on game development, but in my limited experience with testing software, that means trying to see if the exact issues reported are consistently replicatable, and what conditions cause those errors to occur. Knowing the problem is only half the battle.

For those who are new etc and maybe not aware, @BigAntStudios (Ross) is the CEO of Big Ant Studios, so what he says is as official as it gets.

There is a great deal of pressure on the next patch - it needs to deliver - and we need to sort through what is real and what isn't, that takes time.
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Ross has stated many times that they are working on a patch. I don't think he is obliged to give us an ETA when there may not even be an ETA. That would be futile. Seen that many times in other games where a community manager gives a guess towards a date, then the community takes that as a solid date. Stuff happens behind the scenes that means that guess is inaccurate, then all of a sudden, they have "lied". It's lose-lose for the developers. They get stick for guessing a date, yet they also get stick for keeping quiet. I wouldn't want to be a dev, personally. Would you?

I agree inertSpark. I also do not think a specific or even non-specific ETA of a patch release date would be a good idea. I just feel some sort've small clues as to what's been gotten on top of so far in Patch development would be good.

People are exactly posting into a void when they bug report, given there is no knowledge of a single bug that is going to be fixed in any upcoming patch. No-one is expecting a daily or even weekly update of what's happening. I'd have imagined that a post of some small degree of information would've been good every 2-3 weeks.

I'm not even talking about bonus content, or enhancements. We're talking game-affecting bugs here. Cricket is choosing your batting, bowling and fielding. The fielding is broken. You can't have a serious game with friends without being able to choose and set your fields. It's fundamental.

Yet, I honestly get the impression that someone, somewhere is angry at us for asking, given we're talking broken stuff. Disagreement is seemingly frowned upon and ignore lists come up when people do.

Personally I think the devs have an amazingly hard job, I do sincerely appreciate everything they've done. Everything they've gotten right about this game. The effort to try and make a brilliant cricket game is there for all to see. That has to be respected.

Still some of the things broken about this game, yell loud and clear to me the opinion that the people who agree and don't like to be the one to point out faults are getting selected for betas and are so grateful they don't report as many faults as they could or as early as the can. Especially when you see the reaction to those with an opinion on a negative element.

You need voices of praise and ones of criticism and given the degree of engagement since '17 released is less than a quarter of what is was for '14 when it released, you can almost see an extremely clear correlation between positive reception and community engagement.
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BA are losing all the goodwill they have built up with DBC14 , through their lack of engagement with the community , as so eloquently explained above .

Can you honestly tell me , that they dont have a list of Known Bugs that have been Handled , that can be posted and amended weekly , just as a show of what is happening ?
BA are losing all the goodwill they have built up with DBC14 , through their lack of engagement with the community , as so eloquently explained above .

Can you honestly tell me , that they dont have a list of Known Bugs that have been Handled , that can be posted and amended weekly , just as a show of what is happening ?
As also said before, they did this with DBC 14 and it bit them in the ass severly -- so they are damned if they do and damned if they don't :)

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