Don Bradman Cricket 17 General Discussion

I think one of the things that was brought up was the manner in which Big Ant responds to criticism. The problem is that many gamers, simply put, are assholes. Rather than expressing negative feedback in a respectfull way, some choose to troll other threads. And when they do post in the right place, they come across as condescending. That's when we see the negative responses from Big Ant.
On the flip side, Ross is extremely sensitive and flies off the handle very easily. It doesn't take much to get the "negative response" from Ross and quite frankly after DBC 17 is a "release now, fix much, much later" type of game a lot of his rants and whinges seem less justified as the time goes by.

They seriously couldn't find out before release that fields don't stick? I don't believe that. The only downside to the PC version is I can't trade it in or give it away so I'm stuck with this $60 waste of money.
As also said before, they did this with DBC 14 and it bit them in the ass severly -- so they are damned if they do and damned if they don't :)

I'm not sure letting people know what had been handled "bit them in the ass". The worst that happened was a bunch of "well, how long till it's actually released", "come on release it already" kind of posts, which are happening anyway and always will when things need fixed and is unrelated to the information shared. Those updates calmed large sections of people and brought understanding more than anything.

Personally I think the key issue with this is that the game has small number of bugs which can be "result changing". When you have a game, the result can at any moment randomly be taken out of your hands. Those are major issues. If you have one in your game, then that's altering the fundementals of gameplay into a roulette wheel. That's where people start to feel like information or progess updates has past the point of "it'd be nice to have" into an area where your playing audience should be informed.

I don't think anyone is asking for daily updates and weekly is maybe a little too close together, but since patch 3 it's been long enough with this degree of issues to not hear a thing.

Which brings me to the "we've had three patches, c'mon be grateful" guff we've had. Those patches didn't really bring anything to the table that shouldn't have been there out of the box. The game was crashing. Major features (logos for one) weren't working. It's not like they patched in fun gimmicky things and extras.

When it first came out there was a lot of "well return it then" retorts. Depending on the country you're in, consumer law doesn't let you return games due to perceived copying and piracy issues. That's the case we're I'm from. On top of that we do know Big Ant can and do make fantastic games, so selling it for a loss right before a patch dropped wouldn't be wise.

I think one of the things that was brought up was the manner in which Big Ant responds to criticism. The problem is that many gamers, simply put, are assholes. Rather than expressing negative feedback in a respectfull way, some choose to troll other threads. And when they do post in the right place, they come across as condescending. That's when we see the negative responses from Big Ant.

Well, I have been critical, but I have been respectful, as I do respect the developer and their aims. I'm not name-calling them or the product, so I'm guessing I'm not one of the many gamer assholes? :)
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I play Football Manager and despite the fact that SI get a lot of shite (some quite rightly and some coz they're the only game on the market so have to cater to everyone) I feel they handle the process very well on their forums.

A separate forum for bug reports that are monitored by staff with consistent interaction; a clear patch strategy (easier when you have a yearly release cycle I grant you) and quite a lot of transparency as far as what can and can't be fixed. The lack of communication and even acknowledgement of bugs and where they're at is not a good way to go especially when you have a product that is pretty far from where you wanted it to be and where previous experience tells us it should be. I have backed this game since 2014 and bought both iterations on PC and PS and to be honest the only thing keeping me from being absolutely critical about this version is the good will Big Ant have accrued from 2014 where it started out a bit ropey but became a brilliant game. I am really hoping the same happens next patch but the longer we wait and, more crucially, the longer the radio silence lasts the less confident I am.

I can see some potential in this game but atm with the problems with fields, the inability to make your own tours, the lack of being able to create competitions that already exist, players switching after missed-stumpings, the issues with logos and created stadiums, the total regression in stat tracking and the AI's inability to pick bowlers properly from the team resulting in only bowling 3 players in some games make it very close to unplayable in several of the modes. As I said Big Ant's performance previously leads me to believe these issues will be fixed and fixed well but I have to admit to a little bit of skepticism the more time passes without any word.

Finally: we bought the first one on faith and it turned out so we all came for the second one. That faith has certainly gone for me now with this release and the radio silence that has followed (and it's the silence that is the big issue for me tbh) and I will be definitely looking for some proper improvements or interaction before I buy another Big Ant product going forward. Personally I hope that the upcoming patch knocks it out of the park because that is what it will take to get me back onside but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be a better PR situation going forward even if it does because this has been handled pretty poorly in my opinion.

The lack of interaction with a community you have been a key part of since before the 2014 Bradman allows a lot of speculation. It's easy to jump to the conclusion that this game is unable to be sorted out from the lack of bug acknowledgement and progress updates. Whether that is true or not remains to be seen but it has been allowed to get to this stage and that is definitely something that should be addressed going forward.
Big ant simply don't have the resources/money that the bigger software houses have.We have all played the games that the big software companies make with huge budgets and expect a game that costs £40 on the pc to be of equivalent quality.There isn't much point going on and on about it i just doubt they have the money to fix it and i would be surprised if we saw another installment without a big injection of cash or joining a mainstream software company.Maybe i am totally wrong but thats how it looks to me.There doesn't even seem to be an advertising budget.I bought db14 but if i hadn't decided to have a look on google if there were any new cricket games i would never have found it.
Hey guys, just a little thing here. I'm trying to make the 2017 Ashes tour with the correct grounds and times etc and was wondering if I could incorporate the day/night test into a 5 game test series?

The only way around it seems to be adding in individual 1 match tests(one of which being a custom day/night) but that obviously doesn't equate to a series.

Cheers for any replies.
Hey guys, just a little thing here. I'm trying to make the 2017 Ashes tour with the correct grounds and times etc and was wondering if I could incorporate the day/night test into a 5 game test series?

The only way around it seems to be adding in individual 1 match tests(one of which being a custom day/night) but that obviously doesn't equate to a series.

Cheers for any replies.

Doesn't it allow you to set the start time? Or does that apply to all matches in the series?
Hey guys, just a little thing here. I'm trying to make the 2017 Ashes tour with the correct grounds and times etc and was wondering if I could incorporate the day/night test into a 5 game test series?

The only way around it seems to be adding in individual 1 match tests(one of which being a custom day/night) but that obviously doesn't equate to a series.

Cheers for any replies.
Unfortunately you can set a series of tests, the system will randomly make one a day night... or not....I think.,... :)
If they were clever they would make an ashes dlc with all the grounds nicely rendered, the tests in the correct order and times and correct squads umpires etc.
If they were clever they would make an ashes dlc with all the grounds nicely rendered, the tests in the correct order and times and correct squads umpires etc.
We can't even get field placings to stick lol

I wouldn't put it past them though they released DLC for the rugby league games
Hey guys, just a little thing here. I'm trying to make the 2017 Ashes tour with the correct grounds and times etc and was wondering if I could incorporate the day/night test into a 5 game test series?

The only way around it seems to be adding in individual 1 match tests(one of which being a custom day/night) but that obviously doesn't equate to a series.

Cheers for any replies.
You sure can't. Just another oversight on competition creator.
You mean if they had the licenses?
Cricket Austrailia should view it as advertising and investing in youth the better the game the more people play it and the more interest there is in cricket.They should be begging big ant to do this not pricing them out of the market.Its not as if anyone else is making a high end cricket game.

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