Don Bradman Cricket 17 General Discussion

Is it the TYPE of DLC/additional content?

In non sport game terms charging for horse armour is leaching... charging for blood and wine dlc expansion is cool!

In cricket terms charging for just licensed kits or players would be uncool especially if it places restrictions in academy but something like say a well made scenario based career mode for licensed players as an dlc like being able to relive the exciting moments and knocks of bradman or Abd or a pack of scenarios etc would be a supplement get it if you want it kind at the same time would be value to those who are into it!
The thing with sports games is i dont think there are many meaningful ways to have Dlc's that dont leech the buyer, especially considering the vast bandwidth BA cover with academy in almost every area, now given that they are bringing in a stadium creator, even stadium packs are out of question! They can try zombies though always works Dhoni Saving MCG from being run over by zombies as Pieterson chucks exploding cup cakes to hit :p

Basically any content im paying for after purchasing should be a supplement to a game that actually complements it greatly !

There's currently 4 key models out there:
Premium - Classic one-shot payment ($50 and the game is yours).
Subscription - Essentially premium, but you are "renting" the game" for a particular period.
Freemium - The game itself is free, with optional micro-transactions.
Paymium - You pay for the game, and then optional microtransactions.

you totally forgot the one and only decent afterbuy pay model

Expansions, meaningful dlc's that extend the game and not curb it on release!
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Expansions, meaningful dlc's that extend the game and not curb it on release!
Groundsman Career Mode anyone? Get to ride on the heavy roller between innings...command a bunch of lackies as they haul the covers on at Chester-le-Street..upgrade the drainage at the pavillion end...paint the sight screens...adjust the boundarary rope...spend months preparing bowler-friendly pitches to reduce outfield wear and tear...gun it out with the pitch inspectors to avoid fines...shed based crafting. If that's not going to command the big bucks...I don't know what will.
Groundsman Career Mode anyone? Get to ride on the heavy roller between innings...command a bunch of lackies as they haul the covers on at Chester-le-Street..upgrade the drainage at the pavillion end...paint the sight screens...adjust the boundarary rope...spend months preparing bowler-friendly pitches to reduce outfield wear and tear...gun it out with the pitch inspectors to avoid fines...shed based crafting. If that's not going to command the big bucks...I don't know what will.
I'd definitely be interested in an advanced "Shed-Mode".....for the most advanced users; shear-sharpening, roller-oiling, porno-picture-on-the-wall-pinning.....
Nope. No more old gen games being developed anymore I think. At least from bigant

Has that been confirmed? I haven't seen that anywhere. I mean, it's not beyond the realms of possibility but you've made a very definitive statement there - is there a source for it?
I`ve asked the Question a good couple of times as well , but then team over at BA are keeping a very tight lid on any info...
C'mon @Ross...where you at, man? I haven't hung off every word for a long time and I'm getting fidgety. Nothing gets my blood up for cricket like a good test match (yes you can go jam your T20s ;) ) - no, I'm talking about 6hours at the crease grinding your way to 115* off 200 something balls as an opener...wearing one of those cricketer type cardigans (no arms) in 38 deg heat...sweat dripping off your helmet as you face the next 145 kmph delivery bowled by a left hander wondering whether he's going to swing it away or into your leg stump.

Aust just announced their 15 man I know its serious now. The 3 match test in SL is in July and I can't bear to pick up DB14 anymore....gimme sumtin'!!

Good time to mention @Ross is not Ross since we're getting folks outta the woodwork...

and I can't bear to pick up DB14 anymore


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