Dont Expect Miracle - Yousuf


National Board President
Apr 16, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Date January 9, 2010

"The team was very, very disappointed after Sydney," Yousuf told Cricinfo. "But as I told them after the Melbourne loss, we have to see that we continue to play good cricket. We could and should have won at Sydney but we didn't. Few people thought that we could match Australia before we came on this tour, but we played very well here for three days and had one very poor day."

"We have to look at the positives as we get ready for Hobart," Yousuf said. "Nobody can say whether we will win or lose but we just have to play good cricket for the entire duration. We had our moments in the first Test, where we fought hard. We did well for three days in Sydney. I think the positives are that we know we can compete with any side in the world.
"We now need to learn from our mistakes because if we do then we can beat any side out there."

Reaction in Pakistan has been predictably harsh, which also reveals how eagerly this series was being followed. Jamshed Dasti, head of the national assembly's committee on sports, has been at the forefront of the backlash, asking with force once again for the ouster of the PCB chief Ijaz Butt. This time there might be enough momentum building for it to result in something.
A number of ex-players, as expected, have not held back, asking for the heads of Yousuf, coach Intikhab Alam, the selection committee and a number of other players. "I think we can expect the criticism," Yousuf said. "I'm not saying don't criticise us but maybe it should be more constructive and it should also highlight the positives that have come out from the Test series as a whole."

Source- 'We can compete with any side' - Mohammad Yousuf | Cricket News | Australia v Pakistan 2009/10 |
Date- Sat, Jan 16

Yousuf said in an interview that people should stop expecting his below-par and inexperienced team to perform miracles at the Test level, especially against top sides.

'If you expect something of this side, then maybe that is the wrong expectation. You have to see where we are playing, which team we are playing. You should keep that in mind. Our team doesn't have many world class players. Most of the batsmen average below 30. Then how can you expect them to come here and beat top teams like Australia?' said Yousuf.

Source-Don't expect miracles from Pakistan team, says skipper Yousuf - Yahoo! India News
If Pakistan really need to win matches then they should think positive. This shouldn't be said by Pakistan Captain. Yousuf this statement after saying "We can compete with any side" is ridiculous. Pakistan should look for winning a match rather than leaving it.
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He would have not been saying this if Kamran Akmal had not been such a bad keeper.
In such a time of crisis, that comment was the last thing the Pakistani supporters wanted. Can't this guy just zip his bloody mouth?
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Wrong move Yousuf, especially at a time when he should really be encouraging his side.

And what was with his reaction at the time when he was run out? I know the run out was not Yousuf's fault and I understand it's never a good feeling to be run out but to stand there and just glare at Salman Butt was pretty damn disrespectful. Surely he could have just walked off without doing that. Really as one of the senior players in the Pakistan side he should be setting a good example for the younger guys.
Way to go cap, boy you're keeping the faith there!

Then how can you expect them to come here and beat top teams like Australia?' said Yousuf.
Well TBH I don't expect them to beat any test playing nation, with their current batting line-up and with Yousuf as a captain
Yousuf can only blame himself, yes Akmal's dropped catches were a part, but he could still have won the Sydney Test if he did what a person with half a brain could have done.

And now watch the Aussie bowlers rape Pakistan badly in the same day that Katto/Ponting put on about 140 runs. The pitch isn't as flat as everyone thinks.
Yousuf is an emotional captain. He's getting pretty upset that his players are throwing games away and anyone in his place would, actually. The difference between him and his predecessor, Younis Khan, was that Younis used to do this behind closed doors while Yousuf openly tears into his players (read:Salman Butt) in the media. He gets a bit excited. But he's got his own style of leading and we've got to respect that
If Pakistan really need to win matches then they should think positive. This shouldn't be said by Pakistan Captain. Yousuf this statement after saying "We can compete with any side" is ridiculous. Pakistan should look for winning a match rather than leaving it.

It's called taking the pressure off his players. If he goes out there and goes 'These players can win/draw this match' suddenly he's got an inexperienced team, wondering how to go about it because their Captain has piled the pressure on. This way, he's saying that he doesn't expect much and that his team can go out there and play their natural way, which makes it more likely for them to succeed. It also puts the pressure back on Australia if they think that even Pakistan's Captain doesn't think it's possible for them to hold out.

Good motivating for me.
Pakistan need boom boom to become the captain so he can lead this shattered Pakistan side to the 2011 world cup and become the next Imran Khan.

Pakistan team is full of shithole leaders, Boom Boom is the exception.
For god's sake why did Younis have to leave. I am sorry but Younis may have not been the best captain but he is certainly better than Yousuf. Yousuf has always been that senior player who tries to help his players out with his seniority. He should not be the most important player on the team, the guy who actually leads this team. I think he has some major problems as captain we need Younis back and fast. Hey and Afridi wouldn't be a bad idea he is definitely a strong leader and people do look up to him

MUFC1987 to your post, listen I understand what your getting at but honestly that doesn't work for the Pakistan players. They think there captain doesn't believe in his team and well by doing that he is putting them down too much. I mean come on you honestly think when your 6 wickets down that Pakistan have any chance of winning. But by saying we are going to lose means this team will play BETTER.

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