No Requests Drake's Graphics | Avatars - Signatures - Wallpapers

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School Cricketer
Dec 15, 2012
Brisbane, Australia
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hello. Welcome to Drake's Graphics. I make graphics with my own style, without following any tutorials. I believe in my own recipes and my own innovations. I am here just to improve. Anyways, thank you for visiting my thread.


Requests are on: Any type of graphical requests are allowed - Banners, FB Covers, Logos, Renders, Wallpapers, Signatures, Avatars and much more.

Just Request and I will try my best to complete as fast as possible under my circumstances.
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^The thread is already started. Request some graphics, and I have to index it. My mind is wandering here and there right now what to make. Would you like to request one? (I don't expect one from you, anyways - haha).
Here's Shane Warne's Avatar:-

Signature Coming Soon


Here's the Shane Warne signature:-

From the KFC BBL-12-13, Melbourne Stars.
Shane Warne looks like an Avatar (As in the film) in the signature.
^Check out some tutorials. And you better ask a better graphics maker like Pranav or Sujith for advice!

No Thanks, I don't like tutorials. I'd prefer to play with Photoshop myself rather than using someone else's technique. Cooking my food with my own recipe tastes me the best. It might be tasty for you, As I keep trying to find new things for Photoshop.
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