No Requests Drake's Graphics | Avatars - Signatures - Wallpapers

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Good start man , a Phillip Hughes' signature please . :)
Play around with adjustment layers and lighting, use textures, and be innovative. And as for text, you already used the same font for four different artworks, so try something new. And you don't have to necessarily add text in your artworks, especially avatars, some cool effects and lighting will do. Ask a better graphic-maker like Pranav or Sujith to get better advice than mine. :)

Ah, thanks for your tips & suggestions. I always welcome them. I used text for that avatar just because the challenger had mentioned there to add text in the avatar. For the Shane Warne, I just added it because it looked very awkward at that position. I usually don't add text in avatars. And yeah, I have got lots of negative comments regarding fonts from professional graphic designers in the arena where I went. I think I need to improve on fonts & some other stuff.

Cheers Mate :thumbs
Extremely sorry for the delays. I have some event that is occurring out here, have to attend it - it's 100m Dash, I am a participant, representing my club. I am very busy with the practices for the race.
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