England more important than IPL - Stuart Broad

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Name calling? Funny pictures? What thread are you reading?

And what opinion? You posted a bunch of idiotic comments off Cricinfo. Are those your opinion?

Don't bother Zorax. No need to lower yourself down to his standards by even worthying him with a reply. He is just wanting to cause problems
Yea. Trolls do that.

Wonder how long till he gets banned for trolling?

Dunno, but it'll be soon, pretty sure everyone is getting fed up of him now

They name call us (assuming you are an Indian), generalize while passing remarks, but that is apparently not trolling in your books.

I did like this though. Just trying to cause friction between Indian's and the rest of the members, by splitting us.
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Name calling? Funny pictures? What thread are you reading?

And what opinion? You posted a bunch of idiotic comments off Cricinfo. Are those your opinions?

Look buddy, we both know what I am talking about. If you still choose to look beyond it, thats your choice. As for those comments, scroll up and read again. I said those are some humourous opinions and its not necessary for anyone and everyone to agree with every opinion posted everywhere.

I have said it before and I say it again, everyone has a right to opinion. You like it, very good. You don't like it, you talk. You can't talk, you don't talk. Trying to inflate and create an unclear view about someone because you don't agree with him is not a good thing to do. You are an old member. You should know!

Rather than resolving this problem, you are going on and on and on about it & then are constantly accusing me of being a troll! As a senior member, an example must be set in front of the younger ones. You've done that in the past. And this is really going nowhere.

The inference I get here is that you don't like this opinion. And its understandable. Everyone doesn't agree with everything in the world. But diffuse the situation. Lets not ignite it.

I consider this matter closed. If you have a problem, we can sort it out over PMs. The time and messages of this forum should not be wasted over constant off-topic discussions.

Lets get over this non-issue. We are both too old to be discussing who is a troll and who isn't. I'm just a PM away.


Don't bother Zorax.....
I did like this though. Just trying to cause friction between Indian's and the rest of the members, by splitting us.

Look whose talkin abt friction. Remember the spat you and the members had after you were generalizing in the India-Australia tour thread? Practice what you preach, they say :).

I consider this matter closed. You can post all the sweet messages you wanna. :)
RDF please go away. You aren't wanted, continously link things to India to start fights, talk dross and generally annoy people.
I consider this matter closed. If you have a problem, we can sort it out over PMs. The time and messages of this forum should not be wasted over constant off-topic discussions.

Remember the spat you and the members had after you were generalizing in the India-Australia tour thread? Practice what you preach, they say :).

I consider this matter closed. You can post all the sweet messages you wanna. :)

This is what really pisses me off about you. You cause a bunch of ████, then try and act holier then holy, by telling everyone to move on. You really do have nothing better to do in your life then just getting people to react and then pretending you are all sweet and innocent with your messages of PM's and VM's.

You do realise, that you can be as patronising as you want to the older guys like myself, Zorax, Themer, Holdenator etc, at the end of the day it doesn't change the fact that you are some random guy who has just pitched up who makes every second post some controversial remark which is gonna make people react. We've had people like you before and we've seen them come and then go (via the banned door)

So mate, put a sock in it for all our sake's. Think everyone is getting sick of you (anyway you're meant to be a journalist yet seem to spend most your time on here. You must be pretty busy :sarcasm)
All this is going extremely off-topic. Reaction is an individual prerogative, I haven't ever asked you to opine. You chose to do it and then saying that I call for it is a bit disappointing. Its not like I PM'd you and told you, "Hey, check my new post out. I want to know your opinion on it".

As far as I am concerned, this topic is closed. Done and dusted. If you wanna have a chat about it, we can in the PMs. And you do realize that the past 2 responses (from Themer & yourself), which are unfounded opinions (maybe trolling) have come despite me saying that no malice was intended from my side. Flaming is being done, but its okay. I'm not gonna respond. I'm a PM away. :)
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I'm so confused. RDF keeps talking about funny opinions and humour and stuff, yet he turns every thread into a Something vs. India flame war, PM's me about 'Important' issues, and makes wild random statements and doesn't answer my questions.

FYI, 'You know what I'm talking about' isn't an answer. I do NOT know what you are talking about. Hence I asked you.

And you've said the issue is closed before, and then posted again?

All this is going extremely off-topic. If you wanna have a chat about it, we can in the PMs. As far as I am concerned, this topic is closed. Done and dusted. And you do realize that the past 2 responses (from Themer & yourself), which are unfounded opinions (maybe trolling) have come despite me saying that no malice was intended from my side. Flaming is being done, but its okay. I'm not gonna respond. I'm a PM away. :)

You just don't get it. A) You had a dig at me about the Aus-India thread, so duh!!!! I'm gonna reply to that bit. B) You don't have the right to tell anyone to move on. Is your name green or red? No it ain't so I am not gonna do what some kid claiming to be a journalist tells me. C) You constantly cause fights and then post this crap about moving on, just because you say so. None of this would take place if you didn't turn everything into a fight, slagging match. Just need to look at your posts and anytime anyone slags off an England player, Aussie you are there with your stupid post like this "Good one :clap" yet the moment India gets mentioned you are there turning everything into an India vs everyone else slagging off match.

You want to end, don't bother replying, stick people like me, Zorax and Themer on your ignore list and enjoy the forum that way. Otherwise. STFU :)
Jesus, shut up all of you. If RDF is as bad as you claim for instigating a fight then you're just as bad for replying and making it worse. Every thread is becoming like this and it's partly why I don't post that much in CC anymore. Bottom line: both parties are at fault. Just stop bickering so we can actually discuss what is meant to be discussed (" England more important than IPL - Stuart Broad").
There is a lot of passion, pride and things like that involved when you are playing for your country. I think he has realized that and well done! :)
And I think the bowler has improved a lot from what he was when he was playing that 1st T20 world cup.
Sorry master :(

Anyways, yea, Broad won't play in the IPL not only cause he prefers England, but he doesn't need to financially, and so it isn't completely down to the fact he is loyal.
Jesus, shut up all of you. If RDF is as bad as you claim for instigating a fight then you're just as bad for replying and making it worse. Every thread is becoming like this and it's partly why I don't post that much in CC anymore. Bottom line: both parties are at fault. Just stop bickering so we can actually discuss what is meant to be discussed (" England more important than IPL - Stuart Broad").

The great Shravi has spoken, aye......? :p
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