England more important than IPL - Stuart Broad

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Lol, am just getting tired of reading the same insults over and over again. You guys have to come up with new material ;).

I'm disappointed that all this dissuades you, Shravi. At the end of the day, I like thinking of ourselves as a flock of sheep. Everyone looks, talks, walks, dresses, thinks and answers differently. And you constantly learn at every point in life.

As for new material, I'll get as creative as possible. You should see the comic I sent to Tom a few days back in response to his one about BBC. :p

Glad you stepped in. Cheers :).

On topic again- Agree with Zorax. Broad is financially secure and doesn't really need to play in the IPL for financial purposes.
As for new material, I'll get as creative as possible. You should see the comic I sent to Tom a few days back in response to his one about BBC. :p

Was Hmarka not me, he just happened to post it on my VM wall. I liked the irony of it, considering the majority of Indians on this forum (if it is meant to be a response to Hmarka's article) wouldn't even have the chance to get a gf, let alone get laid to have penis jokes made ;)
Anyone remember this xkcd?


I think it's time to write a new mod for PlanetCricket.
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