Originally posted by abhay_guy@Jan 20 2004, 04:07 PM
I don't care how many years u take but plz write in the step by step
Plz do this at once.
Not asking too much are you...
You need Winrar to open the file you've downloaded. Get it from download.com or cnet or jsut search for it.
The kit formats are simular to C2k2 but they can't be inserted ingame just by putting them in a folder. You have to import them into the *.gob
The Kit Replacer will do this for you. The first problem you seem to be having is with the resolution of your screen. Try and change you settings to 1024*768 as otherwise you may not be able to see all the options for the Replacer.
Select 'India' 'Kit Front' and '512x512'
Then click on the import button in the bottom left of your editor. It will ask you for a bmp file. Select the 512kit01.bmp (or simular) file from the Kit you have downloaded. A preview of the kit should come up. Check that it looks correct and then click save to .gob
You will need to repeat this procedure for 256x256, 128x128, 64x64 and 32x32 for
ALL of the Kit parts you wish to import. e.g. Kit Front, Kit Back, Kit Trousers
The tutorial is downloadable from cricket2004.co.uk and cricket2004.net in pdf and html format so you shouldn't have any problems reading it. You will only need this if you are formatting your own kits, most kits will come formatted and ready to import.
Any problems, read this again. If that doesn't help, try reading the other replies in this thread again as well.
Good Luck.