F1 Challenge 97 PC{Mark Stewart's Journey To The Top}Close Please

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FIA Formula One World Championship 1997

Round One,Australia


Sunday March 9 1997

Race day in Melbourne,the fans pouring in from all over the globe.There was a tense atmosphere,no-one knew who would win,no-one was dominating,the top 6 seperated by just .2 secs,which normally is the gap between 1st and 2nd.A stunning,hot day is the scene for the 1st race of the season.All the teams are really nervous,with reliability and development of the cars limited in the first 3 fly away races.
The tension builds as the pit crew leave the grid for the start of the formation lap.Mark Stewart gets away from the dummy grid so thats the 1st part out of the way.The grid lines up....5...4...3...2...1...GOOOOOO!!The 1997 F1 season is go.

Everyone gets away well,and everyone makes it though turn 1.Mark makes a great start,the Stewart Ford getting lots of traction off the line and moved up 3 places in the first couple of corners.Then a little mistake at the quick turns 11 and 12,and Olivier Panis goes past Mark and drops him to 10th.Mark then was able to hold off Hill,R.Schumacher and his 2 stopping team-mate Barrichello.Rubens came on the radio to say that he was being held up by his slower team mate.But the team said he would have to get passed both Hill and Schumacher to have Mark let him through.For 12 laps,he did not get past them,and on lap 13,when they were trying to lap Pedro Diniz,R.Schumacher touched Hill,he spun,and Barrichello had nowhere to go,and lost his front wing.It was then Stewart and Hill,with the front runners and Panis on a 2 stop about 15 seconds up the road.Lap 18,the 1st stops for the 2 stoppers,Mark was up to 8th.Lap 21,Irvine takes out Alesi and Alesi spins:p.More bad luck for the British,David Coulthard strikes his team-mate Hakkinen,and loses his front wing.Lap 29 and Mark amazingly laps team-mate Rubens:cool:.Lap 30 and Mark comes in for his first F1 race pit-stop,at the same time as Hill,who was still all over the back of him,Mark rejoining confortably infront of Hill and only 5 seconds behind Panis in 11th.Panis takes out Coulthard on lap 36,Coulthard drops to a couple of seconds in front of Mark.Lap 38 and Panis out of the equation,pitting for a 2nd time.Stewart's first real mistake on lap 41,he has a massive spin at turns 11 and 12,and drops one place behind Hill in 10th.Stewart was really pushing,even though he was out of it for a points position,he closed to within 1 second of Hill.......until.....the first string of reliability woes for Stewart Ford,Stewart had smoke pouring from the back of his car on lap 48,but the marshalls didn't say that he was dropping any oil,so he was aloud to carry on.Mark went for another 2 laps,taking down the revs,but with 8 laps to go,it finally let go,ending a brave attempt from Mark.
Meawhile,the 1st part of the race was dominated by Jacques Villeneuve,lapping over a second quicker than M.Schumacher,he was two stopping,he came out of the pits 10 seconds behind Schumi.After Villeneuve's second stop,it was a two horse race to the flag,Jacques was just .9 seconds ahead of Schumi into the final few laps.But disaster,3 laps to go,the ultra reliable Renault V10 for Williams blew up.Jacques pulled off,and sat next to his car in disbelief,and although its early in the season,its always best to start off well.

1.M.Schumacher 58 laps
2.M.Hakkinen +10.963
3.E.Irvine +38.520
4.J.Alesi +39.906
5.D.Coulthard +45.536
6.G.Berger +46.591
8.D.Hill +1 lap
11.J.Herbert +1 lap
14.R.Barrichello +2 laps
21.M.Stewart Engine

M.Schumacher-"Well,I just want to say what bad luck Jacques had at the end,he kept me behind well,he was ultra quick,and I had already settled for 2nd,which I was quite happy with 2nd.But Jacques' car blow up,and I take the 10 points,and that happens in racing.It can be very cruel,and its happened to me many times."

M.Stewart-"The race was pretty boring to be honest,the car wasn't quick enough to make any real progress,but I enjoyed being able to keep back the world champion,but then I made a really stupid mistake,putting a wheel on the grass and spinning.Then I pushed to catch Hill and the engine blew,which Im not going to get frustrated about,its our first race,and once we get into the European stage of the season,our car should be quicker and I will be racing on tracks that I have raced on before.Im really looking foward to the mid-season."

So that ends the first race weekend of 97.There were alot more fans this year,the atmos was great,the weather was great,and we were treated to a great first weekend.Ferrari are finally back up there scoring a double podium,Mclaren,also up there,looking to pick up the pieces should the top two fail.And Mark,well,it was a quiet race for him,its a shame he couldn't make it to the finish,however we wont know how quick that car really is,until later in the season.Join us in 3 weeks for Round Two,In Brazil.

Coulthard strikes Hakkinen

The first real mistake for Stewart

Mark's first race ends with a short walk back to the pits

ps.I have made this as realistic as possible so I have got it on an extremely hard difficulty.Stewart only scored 6 points in this season,and that was from 1 2nd place.Also this game can produce some wierd results,I once won a race at Monaco by 4 laps and another one in Germany by 6:noway
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A superb performance by Mark, he could have had a point in that race with some luck. I wanted Jaques Villeneuve to win really but I guess Schumi can win the first race. A very exciting read mate and some good pictures to follow up, hopefully you can continue the good work.

Great work mate, keep it up!:)
How I miss all the F1 mods from F1 Challenge. :( Vista doesn't like F1 Challenge mods for some reason and racing against the AI with F1 mods in rFactor sucks.
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