Fallout 3

Definitely worth it! The expansion packs as ?7.99 each (Broken Steel, The Pitt, Point Lookout, Mothership Zeta and Operation Anchorage). ?25 is a bargain!

Which would you say are the best ones, or are they all good? Either way, I reckon I'll hold fire for GoTY edition - should come with all patches as well, so save me downloading them.
I've only played Broken Steel but I'm downloading Point Lookout now. I'll give you a review of that once I've finished. But Broken Steel is awesome, definitely worth it. You get three main story quests and three side quests. The final quest in the main story is nice and long and equally brilliant. The three side quests only take up to 2 hours to complete though (shouldn't even take that) but the whole expansion pack is great.
Have you guys modded it? There are some pretty cool mods for this game :D

That's what I love about PC gaming: mods! Me and Alex still play Oblivion thanks to them (there are some amazing ones for that game as well). Just as well, given that Bethseda have said that Elder Scrolls V isn't currently in the works. :(

Fallout 3 has been likened to 'Oblivion with guns': how accurate is that? How big is the gameworld compared to Oblivion's?
That's what I love about PC gaming: mods! Me and Alex still play Oblivion thanks to them (there are some amazing ones for that game as well). Just as well, given that Bethseda have said that Elder Scrolls V isn't currently in the works. :(

Fallout 3 has been likened to 'Oblivion with guns': how accurate is that? How big is the gameworld compared to Oblivion's?
One word: HUGE.
You'll really want to explore all the locations of the Capital Wasteland.. it's pretty rewarding too. Some of the games best items/quests can be collectd by just exploring.
Yeah moddibg's awesome, I don't have fallout 3 but do have oblivion, which I've nodded quite heavily although I font really play it any more but I do get out the odd GTA which is rocking with mods
Honestly, the 'Fallout 3' hype died after week or so. I presume I'm half way through the game when I stopped playing. Haven't played it since July.

Don't know why but I just can't be bothered playing it at all!
Fallout 3 on PC at Zavvi:

GoTY Edition: ?24.95

Fallout 3 original: ?34.99

Which one to buy? Man, that's a tough one! :laugh :laugh
GoTY is now ?10.99 at Gameplay.co.uk, so I ordered it, but people across the net are making a lot of noise about the game having issues with Win 7 64bit - has anyone here got the game with that O/S? What's your experience and if you did have problems and found a fix, what did you do? I really don't want to have to cancel the order.
I've never played a Fallout game, what are they like, and what's all the cartoon crap all over it?
Think Oblivion but more sinister, cooler weapons, better fighting system but less genuine civilisations (after all it is after a nuclear war).
Think Oblivion but more sinister, cooler weapons, better fighting system but less genuine civilisations (after all it is after a nuclear war).

My copy just arrived yesterday - GoTY ed; this looks like my kinda game! Atmospheric, exciting and deep enough to drown an elephant in!

Edit: Seems to be working OK on Win 7 64bit, even though it's not officially supported.

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