Just to update on progress, the scoring system is coming together now, so it shouldn't be too long before there's some results up for the matches people have entered so far. It's of great assistance if people can register teams for the trial matches that are up on the site -
If someone's interested, here's a screenshot of the scoring interface -
The team listing at the top there filters the players list down to just the squads of the teams playing in the particular match, and then someone just needs to fill in the scores that the players have got in the match, and then it all gets calculated.
The remaining piece to implement is those calculations - we've made some changes to how we're scoring matches, under the previous system it was only possible for a bowler to get a positive score if they took a wicket - now their economy is taken into account, which makes the spread of scores more balanced between bat and ball.
After that, I'll just need to make the page for doing player substitutions, and then things will be functionally complete, with the work then turning to cleaning up the design of the pages and adding in some of the missing things like overall leaderboards.
Todo list:
Implement database structure
Implement player database
Implement squad system
Implement team selection screen
Implement the back end code for processing team selection
Implement the reserves system
Implement match information screens
Implement match scoring
Polish appearance/add information screens