Favorite Indian Food.

the thing about tandoori chicken is you actually enjoy the whole eating process and not just the taste.

btw, which alcohol do you guys usually prefer ? and brand ?

Beer - Kingfisher Strong. (if i want the kick) or else
Budweiser / carlsberg (for a casual drink)

Whiskey - havent tried :p...but might try Antiquity Blue this week ! ;)

Vodka - Smirnoff with sprite !

Rum - Bicardi with Coke / Thumbs Up (not a big rum fan though)
the thing about tandoori chicken is you actually enjoy the whole eating process and not just the taste.

btw, which alcohol do you guys usually prefer ? and brand ?

Beer - Kingfisher Strong. (if i want the kick) or else
Budweiser / carlsberg (for a casual drink)

Whiskey - havent tried :p...but might try Antiquity Blue this week ! ;)

Vodka - Smirnoff with sprite !

Rum - Bicardi with Coke / Thumbs Up (not a big rum fan though)

Beer - Budweiser. Dont have much of a taste for strong beer.

Vodka - Belvedere is the best i've had. Smirnoff Black is also good. Hate Smirnoff red though. Prefer Fuel to that.

Whisky - Johnnie Walker is great. Among Indian, I would prefer Royal Challenge.

Rum- Dont really care for it.

But my staple drink is beer. Nothing like a beer after office on friday with friends. :)
Beer - Budweiser. Dont have much of a taste for strong beer.

Vodka - Belvedere is the best i've had. Smirnoff Black is also good. Hate Smirnoff red though. Prefer Fuel to that.

Whisky - Johnnie Walker is great. Among Indian, I would prefer Royal Challenge.

Rum- Dont really care for it.

But my staple drink is beer. Nothing like a beer after office on friday with friends. :)

Good we have some mature one here.
Mature!! That's a word hardly suited to describe a 23 year old. :facepalm

BTW guys, which Indian food is your fav with your drink?
Mine has to be chicken tikka..

We have kids half your age on this forum. And yeah I have many tactics to get age of member out.
We have kids half your age on this forum. And yeah I have many tactics to get age of member out.

what would you say about kev then ? :p

jkartik added 0 Minutes and 58 Seconds later...

BTW guys, which Indian food is your fav with your drink?
Mine has to be chicken tikka..

nothing like a chilled beer and tandoori chicken after a hectic day ! ;)
Despite being below age, I've had most of them. :D

Beer - Kingfisher, Carlsbers, Fosters.

Whiskey - Black label, Chivas Regal, Blue Label.

Vodka - Smirnoff (60 mL) with fresh lime soda.

Rum - Bicardi (60 mL) again with fresh lime soda.

For a non-drinker, or the one who drinks occasionaly (like me) Bicardi with fresh lime soda and Fosters taste the best.

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