Favorite Indian Food.

Despite being below age, I've had most of them. :D

Beer - Kingfisher, Carlsbers, Fosters.

Whiskey - Black label, Chivas Regal, Blue Label.

Vodka - Smirnoff (60 mL) with fresh lime soda.

Rum - Bicardi (60 mL) again with fresh lime soda.

For a non-drinker, or the one who drinks occasionaly (like me) Bicardi with fresh lime soda and Fosters taste the best.

hold on !! did you just say fosters taste the best ? :eek:
Nothing beats CHILD BEER :laugh :rtfl


If you compare it with Kingfihser and Carlsberg, it does taste a lot better.

Whiskeys are too bitter for my liking. Though they are the ones which I have drunk the most, mainly because my father has them.

Smirnoff and Bacardi taste good with lemon soda. But Fosters does make it to the no. 2 spot.
Well I haven't have beer, can you tell me wats the cost?? So that I could by one and try one myself..:D Anyways I have had Vodka and some vine during a party of my brother.
I myself don't know which food i like the best.:sarcasm:sarcasm

shhubham added 0 Minutes and 32 Seconds later...

:sarcasmbut my view punjabi food is the best.:sarcasm

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