Fielding Radar

Should the fielding radar be added?

  • Yes it should be added.

    Votes: 105 42.7%
  • No!! It should never be added

    Votes: 52 21.1%
  • Maybe, or should be added and optional

    Votes: 89 36.2%

  • Total voters
You should have figured out by now that you only need to re-check the field when the faux 'cut scene' appears.

Better get his act together? This was an intentional design decision, and they have tried to make it easier to easily spot each fielder. The solution was for the issue that some boundary riders were difficult to see, not the issue that some people simply miss the radar.

The radar would stick out like a sore thumb given the overall design of the game, and the shift away from traditional mechanics. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it is a crappy design decision.

Yes i know about the cut scene thing means field has changed, it happens quite often and having to keep looking and trying to remember the positions is a pain in the @ss.

Its not about liking or disliking it, having it not there is already making it stick out as a sore thumb, as the gameplay is being affected by it in a negative way!

and how would having it on the hud make it stand out any worse then what the bowling dials already do?

People are having to look at instant replays to find where fielders are standing, that itself says how much of a disaster the decision was to go with this design.

Look, Ross and Co. have got almost all other design decisions right with this game. Theres no harm in admitting if they got one or two wrong, the reason why I'm being so vocal about this is infact because the game is amazing apart from this oversight and me and co will be playing this for years to come (well until new one is released :D), hence because of this its vitally important that every thing that can be improved, must be! and this is the only thing apart from the minor bugs that stands out for all of us, followed by Spin bowling design decisions. If the team can fix both of these issues then we will have an almost perfect game :cheers
the fact is this game has a lot of things to think about, whether batting or bowling.

i have been bowling many times and thought "jeez, can't remember the last time i shined the ball, there goes my reverse swing!"...

checking the field is just another thing to remember and another thing to get used to.

i don't "love" the solution... i'd rather maybe just a "boundary"/fuzz around the player or something (i know what i mean just can't think of the best way to describe it) but i think the radar cuts against the general design ethos of the game and i support Ross' resistance to it
the fact is this game has a lot of things to think about, whether batting or bowling.

i have been bowling many times and thought "jeez, can't remember the last time i shined the ball, there goes my reverse swing!"...

checking the field is just another thing to remember and another thing to get used to.

i don't "love" the solution... i'd rather maybe just a "boundary"/fuzz around the player or something (i know what i mean just can't think of the best way to describe it) but i think the radar cuts against the general design ethos of the game and i support Ross' resistance to it

Well the poll speaks for it self, looks like you and ross will be in the minority :D

As 70% seem to agree that we need a radar, and thats just people from this forum. I guarantee that theres hundreds/thousands of people going to play this at home (that don't access forums) and just curse the studio for not having a radar! It should at least be an optional thing even if it only appears for a few seconds before bowler run up.
Well the poll speaks for it self, looks like you and ross will be in the minority :D

As 70% seem to agree that we need a radar, and thats just people from this forum. I guarantee that theres hundreds/thousands of people going to play this at home (that don't access forums) and just curse the studio for not having a radar! It should at least be an optional thing even if it only appears for a few seconds before bowler run up.

maybe, or seeing it as optional is not "yes", in fact there is more grounds for including maybe/optional under no, since they would appear less likely to use it themselves.
The one thing that I hated about past game was that the radar showed all the players and all you had to do was point the players shot in the right area and it'd go there. Not having a radar and having to judge yourself is much better to me and also a lot more realistic. At worse maybe have a white dot above fielders that appears for 10 seconds at the start of the over but then disappears until the start of the next.
So many threads around. But I really had to create this. The loss of the fielding radar is pretty big. I cant look around every ball just to know where the fielders are, the fielders are not much visible either and remembering it is also another problem. Adding a fielding radar will solve much of the runout issues as well as the fielding issues. Most of the time I am just hitting in the leg or off side and just wishing it goes into the gap. And I cant even tell if a fielder is behind another fielder or not. Sorry if I sound rude or anything but Ross has made an awesome game and this is the only thing which bothers me very much. Poll to know what others say.

Try changing the "Running Cam" to "Fielder 1" and your runout woes should decrease significantly.
I think I mentioned it before somewhere, but I would really love a fielding radar (while fielding) which shows where the ball is headed. The different angles the fielding cameras pan to can be very confusing. Especially if there is a high catch falling behind your fielding position. Its very difficult to run back while guessing the direction of the ball. Have missed half a dozen easy catches because of this.
24 people are gaming noobs. The WHOLE point of this game is to make it realistic, not some fricken EA Sports 2014. Move on! In real life would you get a radar in your helmet? No, so move on and stop trying to make this game like the failures from before.
I personally don't see the need for a radar. Yes I play FIFA, yes I use the radar, but it's a required feature I feel, as the camera I use doesn't allow enough of a scope for me to see everything. This game has the mechanic right, along with the patch, it adds a true to life touch that I really like. I remember days of surveying the field (pointlessly, as i'm a shite batsman) but i'd rather that touch in game than point the cheese wedge at the small gap at cover. This is aiming to be a close to life game and I support and encourage that.
Should be an option to turn it on or off, everyone should play the game the way they enjoy, be it a camera view, halo around ball or bowling marker.
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24 people are gaming noobs. The WHOLE point of this game is to make it realistic, not some fricken EA Sports 2014. Move on! In real life would you get a radar in your helmet? No, so move on and stop trying to make this game like the failures from before.

I can understand your point here, but personally I like subtle HUD elements when they replace things that CAN'T be reproduced in game. I think the colours around the ball to indicate length, and the fact that according to the stats of bowler/batsman these change to account for their attributes, is brilliant.
There's no way of reproducing those things in game without some clever aids like this.
But with the fielding problems, It's tough to come up with something that would do that that *isn't* a fielding radar (or at least something that isn't strictly speaking "realistic").

I can live with the score being in the corner of the screen and the commentary: surely by your reckoning of "realistic" those shouldn't be there either? (It's not like the batsman hears commentary or can see that on his visor either)

Therefore, at this point, I'd like it as an option, so people can turn it on if they want it, or off if they want to fly blind.
^^ Exactly

The radar doesn't dilute the realism, and in fact would enhance the gaming experience. My eyes start watering trying to squint at the screen to see where the players are located, especially when trying to be quick and the camera swivelling around.

In real life you just need a quick glance to know the field. You are not supposed to hold your stare at a couple of points on the field just to make sure you are nor missing out on the fielders.

Maybe that new patch will fix this issue, but ideally I would love a toggle button for field radar

24 people are gaming noobs.

And I don't get what is wrong with being a gaming noob, lol. I am one

I am sure there are a lot of cricket fans who are "gaming noobs" who will be playing this game
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And I don't get what is wrong with being a gaming noob, lol. I am one

I am sure there are a lot of cricket fans who are "gaming noobs" who will be playing this game

i couldnt agree with you more i think the radar should be there its a basic thing in cricket games and if people dont want it they should have an option to turn it off.
personal opinion, without ever playing the game, there should be a toggle button to show a birds eye view of the stadium in real time to show the fielding postion for 7-8 seconds at a time.
i couldnt agree with you more i think the radar should be there its a basic thing in cricket games and if people dont want it they should have an option to turn it off.

We thought the pitch marker was a basic thing in cricket games and it's a huge improvement now it's gone. Forget everything about previous cricket games and play this one. At least give the new patched system a chance.

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