Summary of issues/anomalies thread

hmm... that list is much longer than I expected. Great to have a post consolidating these things btw.

Still, from what videos I've been watching as my copy isn't here yet, the game seems quite good.
I think many of these look patchable and quite a few of them seem trivial and can live with. But there are several major concerning ones too.

Anyways, looks promising for a start. Reminds me of the old Madden games and how buggy they were and got really better after a few yearly iterations.
I wonder if the PC version will be patched at time of release since it's being released later...
Yes. It probably will also get patches first, as there's less of a submission process.
@TripleM Could you please include this for Online

Mode: Online
Match Type: Any match
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured):
Teams:any team
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue:

when there is lag i don't see the ball marker most of the times which makes very difficult facing the fast bowlers and i have to premeditate the line and length.

Ross could you please add some more options when creating online matches like selecting color of the ball (white ball is difficult to sight when there is lag), time of play and show latency in the match lobby.
@TripleM nice list to keep check of things:thumbs and not having to go through pages of stuff.
really nice to see its just small stuff for most part unlike prev games were members have to mod to get even basic stuff right.
if you could also put in the frequency of those bugs and how common they are /if everybody is experiencing it(like the bowling down legside few say it is true some say not, likewise with spin turn) it would be of even more help, if you can/want.
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I might be making a mistake, but I think in Career Mode the player never gets dropped or warned for bad performances. I scored 4 ducks in a row and still got to play at no 4 as batting all-rounder.
I am not sure this is a bug or design choice or I haven't played career mode enough. But I have noticed there is no pressure of being dropped in this game. Is this true, once u select a particular batting position u never loose it throughout the career mode, or maybe I need to play more and post :lol:D
* A few players have reported that they can't see the confidence meter in career mode.

You might want to include it.
I might be making a mistake, but I think in Career Mode the player never gets dropped or warned for bad performances. I scored 4 ducks in a row and still got to play at no 4 as batting all-rounder.
Not from the domestic team you start with, but you could lose selection from one of the national teams or overseas tournaments based on performance.
That's a huge list and half of them i have not seen, i wonder what ross thinks when he reads that list. Like home work for a year.:rolleyes

PS Still a excellent game just needs some loving.

Triple M great work but can i add, first slip is of no use because keeper always jumps in front of him, also if they fix the bounce to the keeper then more edges should happen as at the moment third man area is useless in the game while you bat.

PS Also easy stats missing from scorecards, Maidens/what the extras are and 4 and 6 for the batsmen.
I have posted in the old thread too but I thing this is active

I don't like bowling much so I used to simulate bowling and when ever I simulate they used to score nearly 200 all the time and its really frustrating when I hardly scored 185 and simulated 15 overs and they completed in 15 overs .Why cont it changed randomly some times even 150s and 160s too,and is it always easy to score 200 in 20 overs even in future when you mastered in batting ?.Hope some one understand what I mean.
@TripleM - great work!

just one thing, the issue: "Bowlers fatigue too fast and lose 30km/h in speeds within a few overs. This isn't regained after a break in play" is not exclusive to career mode but occurs in every game mode.
Firstly before I start I am enjoying this game immensely but I do have to say a huge number of those bugs and glitches are something you pick up after only 30 mins - 1 hour of playing the game so It does leave me wondering how extensively tested this was especially with the continuous knock backs of the release date. Perhaps a beta version of the game should have been released which was very bare bones in terms of features but would have allowed the many people on here to have tested your game for free.
@TripleM nice list to keep check of things:thumbs and not having to go through pages of stuff.
really nice to see its just small stuff for most part unlike prev games were members have to mod to get even basic stuff right.
if you could also put in the frequency of those bugs and how common they are /if everybody is experiencing it(like the bowling down legside few say it is true some say not, likewise with spin turn) it would be of even more help, if you can/want.

How do you read all that and say it's really nice to see is just small stuff?

The chance of them getting even half way through that list is so small.

I think the two patches will take it to a pretty acceptable level and just hope they got enough revenue to fix the rest of that stuff for DBC 15.
The most gamebreaking bugs for me are :

1. run out issues as in OP (I had 3 dismissals during to returning to crease but still getting out) so I could only manage to do 90 runs in a one day match against India.

2. Super human fielders

3. Speed of the game (it's very hard to judge the singles / 2s / 3s and oncoming deliveries so whether to play it on front foot or back foot cut or pull shot...

4. Replays

once I was stupmed and given out by third umpire even though I was inside the crease...

plz fix these issues atleast to make the game playable else it's the best cricket game ver.

when you loose a wicket you loose all the momentum of the game :(
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How do you read all that and say it's really nice to see is just small stuff?

The chance of them getting even half way through that list is so small.

I think the two patches will take it to a pretty acceptable level and just hope they got enough revenue to fix the rest of that stuff for DBC 15.
i was appreciating TripleM for taking time to make such a sane list of issues in the game instead of having to wade through pages of stuff.

Sure im not expecting all the issues to be fixed perfectly some will get carried over to next iteration.
What im happy is they have got the basic stuff right for most part, in other cricket games we didnt even have things implemented to worry about them.

batting/bowling reinvented no more markers.
Real physics
AI is getting balanced in next patch.

Also i have been following the game for while some time and have a reasonable expectation for the game interacting with this community n ross. so may be im not surprised at what is there.Also know how much ross supports stuff he gave so many fixes to a free demo product(mind you not bugs but extra stuff and tweaks/features as per user request) that i would not be surprised if he supports this product a year after still releasing stuff.

That said not everything will be fixed, but the game is good enough to live with a few like commentary stuff, which is most likely not going to be updated.
Right now if AI and online get fixed the game would be pretty solid and a few tweaks n stuff following that to fix other stuff that can be fixed would be cool.

Honestly EA with their funding have issues in their career mode alone if you were not expecting some bugs with a game developed by a mid level studio like bigant, what can i say.
EA Forums

there are always going to be bugs in all games however polished they become (skyrim had plenty but still was enjoyable) the key here is whether they stop you from enjoying/playing the game, as long as the developer commits to fixing such stuff im happy.
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