Again, the "hundreds of pages" argument. It's not hundreds of pages if you only focus on the posts that matter (i.e. the page I linked above).
He's entitled to his opinion, and I'm entitled to mine. My opinion is that his evaluation of the patch based on limited first hand experience, is childish. I'm not supressing opinion. I'm just sick of the same people posting shit on here, making complaints about the game, when the specific things they are complaining about have already been discussed at length, addressed by Big Ant multiple times, or even addressed in the 1st Patch. I'm just as entitled to complain about the shitty post quality, as they are to complain about things in the game.
And as for your irrelevant piracy comment, I didn't partake in that discussion because I showed you the post that specifically detailed the reasons for the PC delay. Apparently that wasn't good enough.
The page you lined above is absolutely spammed by people trying to get answers. Are you seriously suggesting that any new poster, having yet to receive your glorious initiation rights should literally stalk Ross to get the low down on the game? Here is what it is said by Ross on said link:
Ross: Game is region free, works on NTSC
Ross: have you seen my welcome message on the top right of this page?
I really don't get on here in the visitor section - post publicly or PM me and I will certainly read all messages. "
- Please ask questions in a thread.
How 'bout dat second page:
Ross: ...[Nothing, Ross isn't featured]
Okay, okay, but page 3 is a highlight:
Ross: ...[Not here either]
Okay, but he's not there either, but... oh that's right, this is your argument to defend.
On his opinion your opinion though, he stated a clear problem with the game you can't deny, and you attack his character, I fail to see how you can claim the high moral ground here. You're just attacking him for pointing out issues. I'm all for defending the fine work Big Ant have done, but you're just attacking honest supporters of this young serious for no reason, please calm yourself.
As for the piracy debate, I was offering a discussion, you just offered a quote, surely when a question is asked there should be more discussion, but apparently not. Apparently that's enough for you, and that's fine, but I still feel that Big Ant missed a trick by not using a PC release as a beta phase to get patches quickly and efficiently to the hardcore element to get all issues sorted by a console release, but we can differ on that without you resorting to personal attacks, I hope.