Received a nice surprise in my mail today.
I've been glued onto UT, it's really fun and is sure to take up a lot of my time. It's full of noobs though so its getting far too easy. It seems most people don't know what chemistry is. I'm not sure why you don't like it Epic - I'm not a full UT player, I love CM too, and UT is great.
Haven't tried CM yet, but I look forward to doing so. Anyone know if that best young players thing is there for FIFA 13 too?
Haven't played it yet lol, I've just been hooked on CM, I'll get to UT when I do.
FIFA 13 Best Young Players | FIFA Fanatic
There are a few more pages on this site such as best free agents, best players overall, etc.
Yep, been using that, Hazard to 92, bit crazy if you ask me.