First look at the videos - My feedback


International Cricketer
May 23, 2003
Online Cricket Games Owned
First look at Cricket 2005 videos - My feedback

I could only watch few minutes as it was a demo DVD at EB games shop. I watched a quick video of Cricket 2005 between (CPU vs CPU probably) England v/s Australia, a test match (can't remember the teams) and finally few balls from a ODI from Aus v/s Sri Lanka. I am not drawing conclusions but just mentioning here my feedback on the video.

1. Bowling actions are just different. They are new animations from what I could see. There was a huge circle surrounding the bowler at the time of delivery. I do not know what that was for.

2. I have to say the graphics are pleasing and some of the players look absolutely real. In particular Gillespie with the mullet and the beard looks absolutely life like.

3. The players now rejoice quite differently, there are hugs and grins when the players get together to congragulate the bowler for a wicket. I do not think there is any lip movement or expressions on the faces as in BLIC from what I could see. I will confirm that tomorrow when I have a look again.

Again the hug is not a complete hug but it is something like a hi fi from Cricket 2004. Don't think there was any contact when they did hi fi in Cricket 2004.

4. If you buy it on PC I do not see how you would play it without !xspeed. The game is smooth but way too slow for my liking. I hope the game is faster and fluent when it is released.

5. In the clip I saw a backfoot cover shot sail over the fence for a six. The defence looked similar and leaving the ball looked similar too. I am guessing here all the shots from the previous version has been retained here. I saw few meters showing at the time of delivery but didn't have time enough to dwell into details.

6. All the balls bowled while I watched were on and around good length area. Hopefully the CPU doesn't bowl too many yorkers and bouncers this time around.

7. In the Sri Lankan game the bowler looked to put Arnie to shame with the kind of ripping muscles he had. All the players look huge and chunky. Maybe it's a result of using Rugby engine? The players look absolutely unreal in terms of muscles but that isn't a problem to be honest.

8. The pitch texture, the outfield and rest of the stuff with graphics hasn't change that much from what I could see.

I will ask EB if they can lend the DVD(it has many other game clips in it that plays in a loop) or they have more copies of that demo DVD.
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Ravi, many thanks for your nice post. i was great to hear some details from C2005. hope you can maybe get a copy of the Demo DVD, it would be nice to see iton planetcricket soon. it sounds really good from your point of view.
looking forward to the video hope its not as dissapointing as blic ... i guess its my fault expecting wayyy too much from a cricket game ... besides it still looked better than cricket 2004, MUCH better! hope c2005 doesnt seize to amaze us in a "good" way, considering the word "amaze" could be used in many ways when referring to EA :p
crick4life said:
I will ask EB if they can lend the DVD(it has many other game clips in it that plays in a loop) or they have more copies of that demo DVD.

That would be great if you could get that! I assume its an EB NZ shop you went into? I will try emailing them about it as well.
muscles,that's WWE players! :P
Ste said:
That would be great if you could get that! I assume its an EB NZ shop you went into? I will try emailing them about it as well.

Yes Ste, it was an EB shop. It is one of those demo DVD disks that they get from EB main office I guess.

I think people got wrong impression here about the feedback. I am not saying the videos looked great or anything. Yes, there are changes quite obviously from Cricket 2004 but they are major in terms of animation and the player models. Apart from those two the game more or less looks like Cricket2004 to me.

Anyways I need to check out more clips to draw a better conclusion. I will check it out today and post more about it here.
crick4life said:
I think people got wrong impression here about the feedback. I am not saying the videos looked great or anything.

I would never assume you meant that ravi about EA's cricket games ;)
zimrahil said:
I would never assume you meant that ravi about EA's cricket games ;)


I have put $50 against the game for a pre order for the XBox version as I have a mate there working at EB. He is happy to repay if I am not happy with the game. Besides I will get the copy at the time or release of the game or even before. I can then hook up XBox to PC and live stream the game for people over here to pretty much figure out for themselves how good or bad the game is. Lest if I don't like the game I can always return it which is what prompted me to put in a deposit for pre order.
crick4life said:
7. In the Sri Lankan game the bowler looked to put Arnie to shame with the kind of ripping muscles he had. All the players look huge and chunky. Maybe it's a result of using Rugby engine? The players look absolutely unreal in terms of muscles but that isn't a problem to be honest.
Thats been bothering me, whats the point of making everything else look better but making the players physical build unrealistic, after all they are what you a looking at for most of the game
^ Haha, now there's a reason if there ever was one. :) I think, from what you have said, that the graphics are better. Of course gameplay can only be deduced from a playable version, which looks far off now (even the demo is not in sight).
crick4life said:

I have put $50 against the game for a pre order for the XBox version as I have a mate there working at EB. He is happy to repay if I am not happy with the game. Besides I will get the copy at the time or release of the game or even before. I can then hook up XBox to PC and live stream the game for people over here to pretty much figure out for themselves how good or bad the game is. Lest if I don't like the game I can always return it which is what prompted me to put in a deposit for pre order.

LOL - be prepared to take it back mate :p
LOL got that covered no worries. I will make sure I will play for about couple of days and then quite naturally it will probabaly prove the shelf life is no longer.

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