For all Those who want To score Lot of Runs


Club Cricketer
Oct 19, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
If you want to score lots of runs in any difficulty level follow my instructions-
1-Go to Options Menu and click on redifine controls
2-select front foot shot as "Z" button
3-select back foot shot as"C"
4-select six hit button as "X"
5-select advance button as "v"
6-select run button as"B"
7-If you want to hit sixes on frontfoot press "ZX" together
8-If you want to hit Sixes on Backfoot of a short ball press"CX" together
8-If want to advance of a spinner and hit the ball out of the park press"XV"
I HOPE you score lots of runs easily :drinks :drinks
Why? The best way to score runs is to hit six on every ball..I did that pretty boring..!! :rolleyes:

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