for ANYONE with ICC2006


Club Cricketer
Jan 22, 2004
adelaide, australia
Online Cricket Games Owned
hey, thanks for reading this! :D

basically, i posted in another but it hasnt been viewed, so i was hoping this would get peoples attention.
i, like so many others, am haing extreme trouble, infact iv gathered its impossible, to get my game to work properly. i keep crashing after the 07/08 season, and can't update, no matter what i try. and thats almost everything.

SO, i was wonderingm would it work if i got someone, whose game is working, to load my game into their saves folder, open it in theirs, get it into the 08/09 season save it, then send it back and see if it works.

if ANYONE is willing to try this (ICC 2006 remeber) then PLEASE say so. im quite willing to do ANYTHING (almost :p )

thanx guys!!!

PS. if you can PLEASE help me! this is frustrating as i LOVE this game!
i am having the same exact problem and no one cares all i want is for some one with the update to take this file into the 2007/2008 season then send it back plz can some one do this :hpraise


  • Ian, West
    1.4 MB · Views: 8
Yeah, it's as if everyone gave up! including xposive. Heres my Save file for anyone who is interested in us poor people, who, as it stands, have wasted their money :crying


    2.9 MB · Views: 6
i think xposive has given up to because i have sent my files in and said that i can't download the patch and they replyed by saying download the patch

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