FTP: From the Pavilion general chat

My internet went out for a couple of hours so I was sweating a bit to see if I won or not :p When it cut out they were like 100/2 and well on their way. It was such a close thing in the end. Next time I'll be playing a full strength side :)


Really don't like the level of fitness my players are on though :( Maybe I should draft in some players for cheap to play my games during the week
Buy some old players and then get rid. Players aged 30+ usually have real high skills. Or even some rubbish players if you don't care about losing.
Lucky bastard :p

Tindall's 8 won you the game in the end :p

I do think you waste him though bowling, with that last spell, cause half the time, he's not even bowling more than 5 overs and he does well enough as a middle overs bowler.

By the way, what are Baddewithana's skills?
But Tindall has OBB so I may as well take advantage of that.

Chewie CC >> Ariyapala Baddewithana >> Details
Player Info
23 years old | 32,972 rating | $5,673 wage
Left hand batsman | Right arm Finger spin
Talents Gifted (Power)
Nationality Sri Lanka
Form reasonable
Fatigue passable
Experience ordinary
Captaincy poor
Skills Summary
Batsman poor
Bowler accomplished
Keeper poor
Allrounder ordinary
Batting dreadful Endurance reasonable
Bowling outstanding Technique accomplished
Keeping poor Power atrocious
Fielding ordinary

Haven't had him on primary training in ages because I've been trying to improve his terrible fielding. Once it's at reasonable which should be the end of the season I'll try and get him to spec/out and then more fielding.


Cawse, who he bowls the last ten overs with is my best bowler so I should probably move him up the bowling order though..
Ah, my lovely habit of not training fielding :p

I've been trying to fix that habit though. I want ordinary fielding by the time a player turns 19, and average by the time they reach the senior team and then another level or two of fielding whenever I can be bothered :p
I don't really care too much about fielding on my youth because they almost never make it to my senior side.

On my seniors though I like reliable fielding. If their fielding was pretty low when I got them, then capable is fine. But if they're young then I'd like to get it up to around reliable.
My only youth player who made it to the senior side is this
New York Yankees >> Arthur Weir >> Details
Player Info

22 years old | 34,025 rating | $6,065 wage

Right hand batsman | Right arm Fast medium
Talents Slower Ball, Safe Hands
Nationality Australia Australia
Form average
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy average
Skills Summary
Batsman accomplished
Bowler dreadful
Keeper poor
Allrounder dreadful
Batting outstanding Endurance reasonable
Bowling atrocious Technique outstanding
Keeping poor Power dreadful
Fielding ordinary

I use him to give rest to my regular opener and so far he hasnt disappointed me. Averaging 40 in 8 games.
What should i do to improve his primary batting skill?

And when can we start the FTP league? Is everyone knocked out of PC?
@ Chewie if you are looking for some fringe players to rotate, i have two in the market

Bryce Lydamore >> Details
Player Info

28 years old | 43,884 rating | $4,469 wage

Right hand batsman | Left arm Fast medium
Talents Yorker, Sturdy
Nationality Australia Australia
Form reasonable
Fatigue rested
Experience ordinary
Captaincy dreadful
Skills Summary
Batsman accomplished
Bowler poor
Keeper poor
Allrounder ordinary
Batting accomplished Endurance exceptional
Bowling poor Technique expert
Keeping poor Power reasonable
Fielding ordinary
Current bid is at 32 K.

Lynn Compton >> Details
Player Info

32 years old | 38,712 rating | $4,869 wage

Right hand batsman | Left arm Medium
Talents Skilled (Power)
Nationality Australia Australia
Form reasonable
Fatigue passable
Experience exceptional
Captaincy ordinary
Skills Summary
Batsman expert
Bowler ordinary
Keeper average
Allrounder ordinary
Batting expert Endurance capable
Bowling poor Technique reliable
Keeping average Power capable
Fielding poor

Current bid is at 11K.

Both bids finish in about 3 hours...
I don't really want to spend more than 10k on players, especially since I'll probably be out this week.
I thought you had millions in your bank :eek:
Cheapo :p
Nah I have 200k :p And I need to make 85k each week to break even. So I'm going to be losing money next week I think.
I pay 145K in wages and make 125K. :p Thats why i fired a lot of players yesterday and put up two in auction. I hope wages would go down next week :noway
How the hell do you make so much money???


Last week I made 78.5k and I had a pavilion cup match at home...


Or does that include sponsorship?
That is Gate takings + Sponsorship... You must be calculating the sponsorship only for your team. Even my Sponsorship is 83K only

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