Funny Maze Game!

lol If anyone's looked at Drewskas post they will know what's coming ;) Hopefully no one tries to smash their monitor in :D
Edit: Chris Gayle
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I played that one before and it made me jump, I normally don't get scared by these things unless I'm really tired.
Madman said:
OMG!!!! That scared the crap out of me!!!!! :crying !!!
its really effective because you have to concentrate a lot on the part where that happens!

i have pranked a load of my mates with it :D really funny :laugh
Scared the hell out me too.
good greef
Would it be appropriate if I show this to my 5 yr old brother ? :D . Seriously, it would be funny, but then I don't know if I really should.
Adarsh said:
Would it be appropriate if I show this to my 5 yr old brother ? :D . Seriously, it would be funny, but then I don't know if I really should.

No man..i dont think its a good idea to do that...then i think you can get in big trouble..

My brother played this game too...And you know what he didn't got he should be really brave...
Lol bloody hell got the scare of my life :)

I knew it was one of those scare you things but that was pretty cool :)
Sachin_007 said:
No man..i dont think its a good idea to do that...then i think you can get in big trouble..

My brother played this game too...And you know what he didn't got he should be really brave...
Wow, I almost had a heart attack there. If anyone has heart problems here on PlanetCricket, I advise you not to view it. :)

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