Gameplay Videos

My first go on the PS4 version, only had time for a 5 over bash. The game is stunning graphically, Youtube doesn't do it any justice.

Looks like the ball running across the outfield is a lot smoother now and you should get more boundaries as you won't hit a "glue spot" in the outfield.
My first go on the PS4 version, only had time for a 5 over bash. The game is stunning graphically, Youtube doesn't do it any justice.

Haven't done the Share thing on PS4 yet. How did you get the video to only play the physical game, and not include all the cut scenes?
Just trim the video.

I did make a highlights video of the match I was playing but the share factory, for some reason, decides to make the audio go out of sync.

This is my first attempt at gameplay recording. Hope to do more in the future.

The game is a custom format I set up in attempt to replicate the old Hong Kong super6 tournament. If you're not familiar with it, it was a six players a side game with five overs a side so everyone batted and everyone bowled an over bar the keeper so it suited all-rounders. Obviously I couldn't replicate in the Academy the lack of fielders which was one of the reasons the games were so high scoring, but I have set up custom lineups filled up with specialist batters below the main 6 to force the AI to bowl the correct players. It makes an interesting twist on the standard Five5 format.

Difficulty level is Pro and I'm playing via Remote Play on PSvita and I've not quite got used to the little analogue sticks yet.
This is my first attempt at gameplay recording. Hope to do more in the future.

The game is a custom format I set up in attempt to replicate the old Hong Kong super6 tournament. If you're not familiar with it, it was a six players a side game with five overs a side so everyone batted and everyone bowled an over bar the keeper so it suited all-rounders. Obviously I couldn't replicate in the Academy the lack of fielders which was one of the reasons the games were so high scoring, but I have set up custom lineups filled up with specialist batters below the main 6 to force the AI to bowl the correct players. It makes an interesting twist on the standard Five5 format.

Difficulty level is Pro and I'm playing via Remote Play on PSvita and I've not quite got used to the little analogue sticks yet.

Great idea, would have been even better if Cricket Academy allowed taking the field with less than 9 fielders.
first real attempt at a youtube 'thing' Just a few clips from first few games on career. Apologises for last clip that's from another career. Really enjoying bowling on x1 on legendary. i'm getting all types of dismissals

Few very short videos taken from my Rebel League I've been mentioning in the Match thread...

Bringing up our 250 with a straight drive:

Bringing up a 50 with a 6

bowling AI with a swinging yorker

getting an AI edge!

AI bowled off their legs

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