GFX Battles(Moved to Cricdesignz): Challenges

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Saltires said:
I'll take you on!!! I'm quite busy at the moment but I'll try and get it to you soon :)

EDIT: Can the challenge include snowboarders??? :cheers
Yea sure. and you have until the next few days so dont sweat.
Sorry i know theres no chat in here..
Rank: Beginner
Type: 1 on 1
Size: 300*100
Style: AFL Footballer.
Rank: Intermediate
Type: 1 on 1
Size: within 600x200px
Style: Any allrounder

Whos brave?
What's AFL??? (I know there's not meant to be chat in here but when I know what it is I might accept the challenge :p)
Simbazz said:
Rank: Intermediate
Type: 1 on 1
Size: within 600x200px
Style: Any allrounder

Whos brave?
I am (considering that allrounder is taken in terms of cricket)

EDIT: I cant as i'm ranked beginner
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Feelin Blue? can you clear some PM space becuase I can't send my finished sig to you??? Thanx
Sorry, I just thought that FB hadn't posted in the other thread for a while so he'd be more likely to read it here.
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