Gilchrist raises retirement talk!

I disagree Hooper. Hayden and Gilchrist are a class above and the following team:
Ponting (C)
Haddin (WK)

Does not spark anywhere near the fear into the opposition compared with the 2007 ashes team. Personally, i feel that:
Harmison/Sidebottom/Flintoff (obviously moved 1 up the order)

Is as good a team, and there is nowhere near the gap that currently exists. Hayden and Gilchrist offer something different in test cricket, they offer the ability to take the attack to the opposition and strike fear into the opposition. If you ask any bowler who they'd rather bowl to, Hayden or Jaques, i'm pretty sure that 99.9% of international bowlers would say Jaques. Losing Hayden and Gilly before the 2009 ashes would really dampen Australia's hopes, you saw how they did in the couple of tests without McGrath, what are they going to be like with a whole series without McGrath, Warne, Hayden, Gilchrist and Langer ? I dont think Australia's dominance will continue for much longer.

Also, I dont see Rogers as a suitable long term replacement for Hayden. Rogers will probably be 32 before he gets into the team, where by that point will be on the decline i reckon. Are there any other massively talented options ?
:crying No not Gilly!

Woo! :happy
If you ask any bowler who they'd rather bowl to, Hayden or Jaques, i'm pretty sure that 99.9% of international bowlers would say Jaques.

But Jaques is on the international scene starting from now and will only become more comfortable. He is also a naturally aggressive batsman. Hayden's form will only get worse as he pushes through the 30s. In about a year, I wouldn't be surprised if bowlers would rather bowl to Hayden.

And as for Rogers, he's not a long-term replacement really, as he doesn't have that long left in him. But there's no question he is a quality player, and can fill the spot with distinction, and his 2-4 years of service will give enough time for a young batsman to put their hand up to take over from him.

Also, I'd rather bowl to Gilly than Haddin at the moment. Both would cart me around personally, but Haddin is in far better form, and is just as aggressive. Gilly retiring, harsh as it may seem, would probably work to Australia's advantage.
I dont think the point some have made is that the replacements coming in are poor players, it's just that you've had a glut of absolutely outstanding players, so obviously the quality will dip.
I dont think the point some have made is that the replacements coming in are poor players, it's just that you've had a glut of absolutely outstanding players, so obviously the quality will dip.

We got some good keepers coming up. Ronchi, Haddin etc.

We're short on bowlers though. We have heaps of batters, but no bowlers. Only Johnson, Tait and Hilfy. Others are in their 30s.
I dont deny you've got good Keeers. But having seen Ronchi and Haddin, both of them will be very good, if not quality players, but not as world class as Gilly was/has been.
Their team was never great anyways;)

Well, Hayden is deffo not going to be there next summer I think. The clock is ticking for Gilchrist. To be honest, they won't be as missed as a McGrath or a Warne. Haddin in for Gilchrist, Rogers in for Hayden.

Yeah Gilly will be missed more by me. I'll love him until I die. Even if I find out he's been on crack his whole life. :hpraise
I disagree Hooper. Hayden and Gilchrist are a class above and the following team:
Ponting (C)
Haddin (WK)

Does not spark anywhere near the fear into the opposition compared with the 2007 ashes team. Personally, i feel that:
Harmison/Sidebottom/Flintoff (obviously moved 1 up the order)

Is as good a team, and there is nowhere near the gap that currently exists. Hayden and Gilchrist offer something different in test cricket, they offer the ability to take the attack to the opposition and strike fear into the opposition. If you ask any bowler who they'd rather bowl to, Hayden or Jaques, i'm pretty sure that 99.9% of international bowlers would say Jaques. Losing Hayden and Gilly before the 2009 ashes would really dampen Australia's hopes, you saw how they did in the couple of tests without McGrath, what are they going to be like with a whole series without McGrath, Warne, Hayden, Gilchrist and Langer ? I dont think Australia's dominance will continue for much longer.

Also, I dont see Rogers as a suitable long term replacement for Hayden. Rogers will probably be 32 before he gets into the team, where by that point will be on the decline i reckon. Are there any other massively talented options ?

Yeah, Hayden won't be able to be replaced that easy your right. But a Rogers/Jaques combination is another difficult left handed combination. I think your underestimating Rogers and Jaques. They are Domestic Cricket veterans who know their Cricket well. They will do fine. The England side you posted might challenge Australia in a Test or two. But the team I posted is one that is for in a years time. I dont see Harmison there, Shah and probably Sidebottom - also Prior<Haddin. Haddin is a better gloveman then Gilchrist, and at the moment I would say he is the better batsman as well. At Gilchrist's point in his career, I dont see him that much better then Haddin. Also, behind Haddin we have the young Luke Ronchi who could play ODIs in a year or so. Oh and also, I think the Australian bowling attack I posted would slaughter England's. Anderson, overated. Harmison, nothing like the 04 Harmy. Panesar isn't as good as MaGilla. Stuey Clark will get more wickets per match then Hoggard. Flintoff is the standout. I still think our dominance will continue. A lot of English, Indian fans think that we are all old over here in Australia. Its just that we have great fitness and training so players are playing good Cricket well into their 30s, we do have youngsters you know? We just dont go out and play them for the sake of it... Some young and upcoming Cricketers include, Adam Voges, Luke Ronchi, Mark Cosgrove, Dan Cullen, Henriques, Tait, Johnson, Hilfenhaus. We also have the best academies and youth programs. I think some fans are hoping Australia's dominance comes to an end, but I dont see us doing a West Indies unless something really goes wrong.
Haddin is a better gloveman then Gilchrist, and at the moment I would say he is the better batsman as well. At Gilchrist's point in his career, I dont see him that much better then Haddin.


Gilchrist will always be better than Haddin. Gilchrist is the best keeper/batsman to play the game, and you're saying Haddin is better! Arghhh!
At the moment, at the moment I said Sean...don't get them nickers twisted;)

Gilchrist will always be better than Haddin. Gilchrist is the best keeper/batsman to play the game, and you're saying Haddin is better! Arghhh!
At the moment there is no contest in my opinion. If I had to pick someone to be in my team I'd pick Haddin without even thinking twice. I like Gilly, but he's not what he once was, whereas Haddin is in amazing form.
Bowlers are of course going to prefer Jaques to Hayden, but what do they base it on? Hayden's years of dominance, while Jaques is just embarking. You really can't say if he'll be more scary or less scary. Give it five years and then see if any of those bowlers would have changed their minds.
At the moment there is no contest in my opinion. If I had to pick someone to be in my team I'd pick Haddin without even thinking twice. I like Gilly, but he's not what he once was, whereas Haddin is in amazing form.

I applaud you my friend!

I agree with you, but I don't think you can drop gilly, you just can't do it buddy :) Let him retire.

And lol at all you people who are saying that the English team is just as good as that. Brad Haddin is the best keeper batsman in the world, Phil Jaques smashes a ton a week and Rogers keeps churning out the bigs score. Don't you DARE say those boys aren't good. That Aussie team I feel, give it a couple matches, will be still the best in the world.

Gilchrist will always be better than Haddin. Gilchrist is the best keeper/batsman to play the game, and you're saying Haddin is better! Arghhh!

lol what a great way to reply.Is that you?:p
getty images even did news? tha's kool

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