Graphics Discussion/Help.

I still stick to what I said before. Everyone has diffrent tastes. I din't like it and said so. If you like it, so be it.
Your wish. Let's not prick this more. ;) Everyone have their views. :)..

BTW people, you put the plug-ins into the "Plugins" or "Plug-ins" folder which is in your photoshop main folder. Close and restart PS if it's open while you put the plug-ins. Just saying all this in case if anyone is new to this.
Luce can do many effects. It needs to be explored a little before actually judging it.

Here are some more examples:



It's a far wanted effect, just not only by me, but for people trying to get still effects of that AE, Discreet can do and it's really good one. :)
Among that list I found Xpose too a useful one.For some of my recent works Im not duplicating and changing the blending modes of my render.Xpose does that with a single render.Its cool.
Yeah. There are a variety of plug-ins that do the magic, for example, Harry's filters. You can create stunning effects in seconds although i haven't been using it lately. But Laminoperri, flakes are boss. Must have for any one who's using PS.
I saw a video of photo retouching.Thought of sharing it here.But then forgot.

naresh091 added 3 Minutes and 8 Seconds later...

Anybody here here knows Topaz Vivacity.Great tool to soften images.Also handy for reducing the sharpness in an image.But its not a freeware.But there is always a demo.
I was using Vivacity and PR for ages in CS3. Ever since i moved to CS4, I don't use them anymore.
hello guys...
i'm new, and just wanted to let you know, i don't really like cricket too much, i joined this site for a reason..
i recently visited this site called deviant art or something where there was amazing artworks...i just couldn't resist them, and so i decided to learn photoshop myself, i got adobe photoshop elements 6, and i'm tryin to figure out how to use it...
i got this site from google, when i searched pc graphics forum...
hello guys...
i'm new, and just wanted to let you know, i don't really like cricket too much, i joined this site for a reason..
i recently visited this site called deviant art or something where there was amazing artworks...i just couldn't resist them, and so i decided to learn photoshop myself, i got adobe photoshop elements 6, and i'm tryin to figure out how to use it...
i got this site from google, when i searched pc graphics forum...
First of all, welcome to the site mate :)

I would reccommend you to see some some sticky threads. Check out the 'Tutorials' thread. Also the 'Graphics Resources' thread will be useful to you. You can get links to various sites and download some textures from there.

Hope you have a good time here :)
Ok. Awwwwwwwwwlll right. I wanted to just post it now, don't know why. This forum's for graphics, but aren't we just holding up at still image graphics? I mean, just photoshop or 2D software. Admit that's an impeccable tool but shouldn't we think we'd go a step further and do 3D, and animations? Brings a lot of undiscovered talent out of yourself when you get adapted to various software. I mean, a week back, I'm good at photoshop, a week later after messing up with other software and stuff, I'm as good as i was, but there's more creativity blossoming my works. (Biased?)

Humble opinion. Just like to see you people do more stuff. :)
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Hey all, I was just wondering how do you go about doing this to pictures:


Making just one player the focus of all the colour? Can someone tell me how or just do it for me on this picture so I can resize it down for a sig? Cheers.

Ill tell the way I work on it to get this result.
Open it in photoshop.Press Ctrl+shift+U.Now the whole picture will get desaturated.
Now erase the player body whom you want to be in colour using the eraser tool.You can use pen tool too to cut the player body if you know to use it.

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