GREAT county players

I had the chance to sign Hildreth but he was a bit too expesive at the time. So I settled for Rob Key and Liam Plunkett.
plunkett gets slapped in od's. ive got an awesome future keeper averages nearly 50 in fc and tests, and 37 in onedayers
I hve this great player came frm the youth players. I changed his name to mine, though i think his name was M. Brown. he is my wicket keeper to. he was averaging 60+ but fell in the last couple of seasons.
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I signed this guy at the start of the season as backup for Kaneria while he was at the world cup, but he won't get into the squad with Townsend playing the way he is!
were do you find these guys in the youth section? when ever i sign a youth player he's either very average or he sucks, and how many seasons into the game do you go untill you find a realy good player?
No screenshot but i signed T.Rees from the youth selection and although his profile isn't very good he can bat well. In his first 3 games he got 78 123 and 111

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