Guide to batting in C2K5.....


Club Cricketer
Jul 20, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hey Mods don't delete this thread, I will keep on posting and edit this post bocs i m lazy to type so much....Thanks..Readers try it and pls place ur views.
I will also post screenshots of the shots i have played to show where the ball is pitched to hit perfect timed shots.

Recommendation: Start a test match and try to follow this instructions.

GUARD: I prefer to take guard between leg stump and middle stump. This Enables me to play shots on Leg Side, Off side and enables me to play beautiful Straight drives for fours if timed perfectly. Also excellent Cover drives.

Hey Guys,

I have been playing this game for more than three months, and i have found this game the best in the batting department without using any of the patches. I will give a small tutorial or guide how to bat succssfully in C2K5.If u follow this tutorial u will be able to find gaps for scoring 1's, 2's, 3's, and play absolutely perfect drives for four. i will also tell u how to get six hit successfully.

Firstly, as mentioned in the cricket 2005 manual, "When playing a Back Foot, Front Foot shot or Advance Shot, the strength of a shot shall be determined by the length of a shot button press. Tap for a softer hit, press longer for a harder hit shot."

This actually works, but you have to time the ball perfectly in the hard mode. Yes you need to figure out when to press the shot button that is the frontfoot shot (S key in PC) or backfoot shot (W key in PC).

The main thing to understand is that length and the pace of the ball plays a very important role in shot selection. In C2K5 u have the oppurtunity to play the ball early when pitched in the good lenght area and late when it is pitched short. Shot selection depends mainly on the pace thats what i have found

Different shots have different timing to be followed i.e when to hit the shot button early or late. And wether to apply power or jus notch it for single.The bat has a sweet spot on it and thus certain shots if timed well i.e perfec the ball will race of the bat no matter wehter u press the shot key for long or jus tap it.

Whenever the ball is bowled by CPU fast or medium pace, most important thing is to look at the bowilng meter of the cpu to see wether it has assigned any movement to the ball. If yes then always play the ball late. But if the ball is pitched with a good pace and at the good length with no movement then i hit the ball early that is press the shot key (S or W) and keep it pressed until the contact of the ball done.

Different shots playing strategy:
Straight drive: Jus hit the shot key early that is the S button as soon the ball hits on the pitch. Do this only if the ball is of good pace and specially with no movement assigned on it. You will see the


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    Cricket2005 2006-02-10 18-56-06-09 copy.jpg
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hassan17 said:
Thanxz Raider ...Get to to the six part quik


Hitting SIx to fast or fast Medium:

Again look at the computers bowling meter. If the Power of the delivery is more than half or full, and if the ball is pitched on good length, hold the dirstion key and the six hit button. As soon as the ball pitches and is comin up towrds u hit the shot button i.e S and keep it pressed till the ball has left the ball. try ir and let me know.

If the ball is bowled slow wait for the ball and play the S button when the ball is close to u. U have to get use to it. try it it in the test match and let me kno.
Hey Robo,

I have really concerntrated on batting bcos thats what i always do, bowling is really crappy. The special deliveries are of no use. But i ahve managed to get the computer caught behinf many time. I hope this works for u.

When u r bowling with a fast or mediuum pace bowler and u get this options: Out Swinger A / Button 1
In Swinger D / Button 3
Leg Cutter W / Button 4
Off Cutter Shift / Button 5

In ur bowling meter try to get pace more than half first and then when the bowler is about to deliver the bowl choose either of the movements.

Where to pitch the ball: Mostly the default posiotion to the left hander or jus adjusted it for them to play a cut shot on the back foot.

Remember don't take the movement arrow to complete left or right because them makes the ball bounce low, jus tap either movement once or twice.

hope this helps, one more thing dont bowl same deliveries, change the pace of the ball evey ball thats how i get catches on short mid on and short midd off.

I ll try few more things and let u kno further.........

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Hey guys i will also put some vidoes to give u an idea of the shots and their timimg. But i must say the quality of the video might not be that gr8
punk sk8r said:
its easy hit ball just befor it bounces

Its not just that easy. doing that gives u the same shot again and again in the same direction. understanding the pace of the ball helps u place the ball in the direction where u want it. I will soon post a picture's of the directions i hit the ball into.

:D I m just too lazy and busy at the moment...will soon post pic's ;)
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Also dont forget full tosses. They dont pitch at all! I have real trouble with short deliveries. They are a real pain to hit. :s

Also I never take any notice of the ball and whether theres any spin been put on it. Theres just no time!!
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For Playing fulltoss ball: Hit the shot button as soon as the ball gets close to ur legs. Now Remember, if the fulltoss is bowled with full power then u have to react quick i.e press the shot button fast, u can jus tap it or hold the shot key long. U will see that if u time the perfectly then the ball will race of the bat.

But if the ball is bowled with less power and has movement assigned to it, wait for the ball to come close to the legs or wherever the ball is pitched, then press the shot key.

Try this, i recommend u to try it in a test match get use to it and then try it in one days.

You mean your batsman reacts differently depending on how long the key is pressed?
Wow,did'nt see that in the manual. Thanks though. ;)
I play the game on PS2 and so far I haven't noticed there's any relation between the strength of a shot to the length of time the button was pressed. Same is the case regarding placement - generally the ball goes in a pre-determined way for a cover drive, on drive and so on. You can't change the placement of the shot using analog controller similar to BLIC 2K5.

It would be great if you can post some pics regarding placement of the shot along with strength of the shot. For normal shot (X with direction in PS2), the shots never have enough power to reach boundaries, no matter how long you press the key/button. Most of the times (read always), you have to rely on advance down the wicket shots (O) to generate enough power in the shots to beat fielders.

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