H0wZ4T! Presents World Wrestling Entertainment.. [Just like Ric Flair...]

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Those two signings should be interesting. Also release of Big Daddy would have been nice if say, Undertaker faces a career end threatening match with Big Daddy and Taker wins it inspite of the interruptions. ;)

Keep up the great works :thumbs

7th September 2007
Live from Houston, Texas

The opening pyro show starts the night, but we are thrown straight into some Smackdown action, as Batista makes his way to the ring for his match against Y2J, Chris Jericho.

Batista vs Chris Jericho:
The match starts well for Batista, who easily overpowers Jericho. With Batista taking a firm hold on the proceedings, Jericho is left on the floor for The Animal to pounce upon. Batista pulls Jericho to his feet and hits a huge clothesline, flipping Jericho into the air and onto the mat. But, Y2J plays possum and keeps Batista down for a two count. Jericho quickly takes advantage of the fallen animal, kicking him in the kidneys and ribs. As Jericho starts to unload on Batista, the Animal fell to his knees and was met by a running dropkick onto the arena floor by Jericho.

With Batista holding his ribs on the outside, Jericho calls to the ramp, where the World Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton storms out! Orton quickly runs around to Batista and with Y2J distracting the referee, Orton nails him with the championship belt! Jericho drags him into the ring and drives his knees into the face of Batista! CODEBREAKER!

Winner: Chris Jericho via pinfall.

Batista holds his face, with a trickle of blood dropping down his forehead. But, it isn't over, as Jericho rolls him over and locks in the Walls of Jericho! Orton joins in, dropping to his chest to taunt the fallen Animal. Jericho lets Batista go, but he is met by a lighting RKO onto the championship belt! With Batista's face covered in blood, Orton and Jericho walk up the ramp, telling Batista to give up. How will the Animal react to this savage attack?

The scene fades from a quick commercial for Unforgiven to the ring, where a very cocky Gregory Helms struts to the ring to a chorus of boo's. Shannon Moore is all ready, waiting in the ring. Helms dances around the ring, as the bell rings to start the match...

Gregory Helms vs Shannon Moore:
Helms cockily lets Moore have the first shot, flooring him with a roundhouse kick for a two count! Moore starts to kick Helms, but he is soon back to his feet. Moore continues his assault, targeting Helms' neck in particular. However, Helms is unfazed and he just nails Moore with a Nightmare on Helms Street for a very quick three count.

Winner: Gregory Helms via pinfall.

Helms stands tall over the reject, Shannon Moore. He asks for a microphone and starts to talk about how the Cruiserweight Championship will once again become property of Gregory Helms. But, he is quickly interrupted by Theodore Long, who tells Helms that he has competition for the belt. Helms asks who will challenge him, with Long replying "Him."

All of a sudden, a superstar appears on the titantron above Long. It's 'Black Machismo' Jay Lethal! With a small section of the crowd popping like popcorn, Lethal says that he will be signing an exclusive Smackdown contract on the next Smackdown, so Helms better get ready for him!

With Helms having a staredown with the satelite feed, the camera cuts to backstage, where AJ Styles is waiting with Kristal Marshall. She asks him if he believes he can defeat the Phenom on his Smackdown debut, to which Styles just laughs in her face. He looks at her and says how he will not beat the Undertaker, he will destroy the old man, because no dry ice and weird hat can scare AJ Styles! On that note, Styles cockily walks away from Kristal.

The Hooliganz vs The Hardy Boyz - Loser's Titles Are Retired:
It was time for the Title Unification match, as the tag division becomes inter-brand in this match. Matt Hardy started out against Paul London, with Hardy grabbing him and bringing him to the mat. Matt started to nail London with a mixture of shots, before tagging in the Rainbow Haired Warrior, Jeff. Jeff also began to show his improving technical skills, bringing London down with side headlocks and snapmares. However, the tide quickly turned for Jeff, after he botched a suicide dive, giving London the chance to bring in Kendrick. Kendrick was determined to grab the win, taking out Matt Hardy with a triangle dropkick, before pulling Jeff, who was still in pain, to the corner where he hit a huge Sliced Bread #2 for a pinfall victory!

Winners: The Hooliganz via pinfall (WWE Tag Team Championships are retired).

After the fatal error from Jeff Hardy, Matt helps him to his feet, but he fell down again, with EMT's applying a neck brace to him. Video shots showed Hardy's fall, highlighted how he landed on the back of his neck on the outside. As Jeff is stretchered away, the crowd and even The Hooliganz applauded the warrior, who gave them the extreme sign.

The cameras fade to the backstage area, where Ric Flair (WOOOOOOOO!) and Bobby Lashley are enjoying the attention of some WWE Divas. All of a sudden, King Booker appears and tells Flair that he is a crusty, old man, who deserves a beating for all his 'un-royal actions', since they are disgraceful. But, as Booker prepares to get physical with a sarcastic Ric Flair, Bobby Lashley spins Booker around and spears him through the diva's locker room door! With the King out of it, Lashley laughs and wishes the 'royal jackass' a safe trip home!

The scene then cuts to the ring, where the announcer is getting ready for the main event: The Undertaker vs AJ Styles...

MAIN EVENT - AJ Styles vs The Undertaker:
The match started well for the Phenom, who beats Styles to the floor with his bare fists. Undertaker continues his assault, but Styles starts to use his natural speed to his advantage and hits a thunderous springboard backflip DDT for a close fall. Again, they grappled and Styles kicked Undertaker in the crotch, without the referee seeing it. After another two count, AJ was feeling confident and went to the top rope, where he hit a huge forearm strike, but he still couldn't get Taker for a three count. Once more, Styles went to the top rope, looking for a top-rope Pele Kick, but he was caught in mid-air by the Phenom! TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER! 1...2...3!

Winner: The Undertaker via pinfall.

With Styles holding his neck, Taker takes a microphone and prepares to give a few rare words:

Taker: At Unforgiven, the code that has plagued the WWE will be revealed! So, I will be there to see it... and issue a challenge to whoever is behind it... and they will REST...IN...PEACE!!

Quick Results:
Chris Jericho defeated Batista via pinfall.
Gregory Helms defeated Shannon Moore via pinfall.
The Hooliganz defeated The Hardy Boyz to retire the WWE Tag Team Championships.
The Undertaker defeated AJ Styles via pinfall.


OrderDX ? 14
The Spin ? 13
sd92 - 7
PaulNixon1 - 6
Tobes - 6
GrayNicholls - 3
Jaztheman - 2
pinchinator - 1
Well, as you had a read of mine, I have decided to have a glance through yours! Very neat presentation, and not being a fan of wrestling myself (although I was mad on it when I was younger) I found it very interesting!
Nice work.

Major WWE News - Jeff Hardy, ECW on Sci-Fi:

It turns out that Jeff Hardy's injury on Smackdown this past Friday was actually genuine, not kayfabe. He was supposed to land the dive, but as the videos show, his leg was caught in the rope, sending him to the floor. Hardy has suffered a severe neck injury, the kind that Chris Benoit often suffered from. However, Jeff's surgery went well and he is expected to miss at least 7 to 9 months of action.We send him wrestle-heat's best wishes.

On the brighter side of the WWE news, they have finally struck a deal with the Sci-Fi channel to move ECW to a primetime slot on Tuesday night! This means ECW will now be a two hour long show, with views of increasing the roster to the same kind of size as Smackdown. The show will move to the new slot this Tuesday with an inter-brand super show, where the WWE have already confirmed one match: Carlito vs Sabu for the ECW World Heavyweight title in an Extreme Rules match...
oooh! Hardy out with a broken neck! Its all them steroids weighing his head down :( :p

Monday Night RAW - Preview
10th September 2007

It's Monday, which means it is time for another edition of Monday Night RAW, as the show rolls onto the west coast state of Arizona.

As the rivalry between Mr. Kennedy, Shelton Benjamin and Kane escalates, two of those men will be in action against opponents handpicked by RAW GM, Shane McMahon. 'The Gold Standard' Shelton Benjamin will face Matt Hardy, whilst Mr. Kennedy does battle with the 'Samoan Bulldozer' Umaga. Who can grab the momentum heading into Unforgiven?

Shawn Michaels will also try to gain some momentum, ahead of the WWE Heavyweight title match against John Cena at Unforgiven. HBK will face the United States Champion, MVP in a non-title match, in what should be a very technical and fast-paced match. Can HBK show why he is number one contender? Or will MVP embarrass Michaels and gain confidence ahead of his title defence against Rey Mysterio?

Finally, the main event will pit the 'Chain Gang Soldier' John Cena against Shawn Michaels' good friend and allie, Triple H in a non-title match. With Cena's ego growing stronger under the influence of Vince McMahon, can HHH contain him and get the confidence for HBK? Or can Cena defeat him and take the momentum for himself?

PLUS: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ric Flair will be on the show, making an announcement.

The Scheduled Matches:

Shelton Benjamin vs Matt Hardy

Mr. Kennedy vs Umaga

Shawn Michaels vs Montel Vontavious Porter - Non Title

John Cena vs Triple H - Non Title

Shelton Benjamin vs Matt Hardy

Mr. Kennedy vs Umaga

Shawn Michaels vs Montel Vontavious Porter - Non Title

John Cena vs Triple H - Non Title

great smackdown mate!
Shelton Benjamin vs Matt Hardy

Mr. Kennedy vs Umaga

Shawn Michaels vs Montel Vontavious Porter - Non Title

John Cena vs Triple H - Non Title
Shelton Benjamin vs Matt Hardy

Mr. Kennedy vs Umaga

Shawn Michaels vs Montel Vontavious Porter - Non Title

John Cena vs Triple H - Non Title
Shelton Benjamin vs Matt Hardy

Mr. Kennedy vs Umaga

Shawn Michaels vs Montel Vontavious Porter - Non Title

John Cena vs Triple H - Non Title
Cena's match will be interesting to watch. Already was excited to see the three(Randy,HHH and Cena) in real WWE wrestlemania. ;)

Shelton Benjamin vs Matt Hardy

Mr. Kennedy vs Umaga

Shawn Michaels
vs Montel Vontavious Porter - Non Title

John Cena vs Triple H - Non Title -- Dis Qualification may be? ;)

Wonderful going with the story :hpraise Keep it up!

10th September 2007
Live from Phoenix, Arizona

RAW opens with the 'Gold Standard' Shelton Benjamin, who strolls to the ring and takes a Mr. Kennedy-style microphone. Benjamin starts to mock Kennedy, calling him a trash-talking, talentless waste of oxygen. However, he is interrupted by Matt Hardy, who appears on the stage and runs down the ramp, as the match begins...

Matt Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin:
Benjamin begins the match in quick fashion, beating Hardy to the mat with quick shots to Matt's injured ribs from the match on Smackdown. Shelton then starts to stomp on Hardy's ribs and locks in a body scissors, squeezing the life out of Hardy. With the crowd getting some momentum to Hardy, he manages to get to his feet and drops Shelton onto his back. After some more exchanges, Hardy went to the top rope and went for a flying crossbody... POWERSLAM ONTO THE MAT! Benjamin stalks Hardy, T-BONE SUPL... Hardy kicks him in the torso, TWIST OF FATE! 1...2...3!

Winner: Matt Hardy via pinfall.

Benjamin holds his neck, as Matt Hardy takes the mic, that Benjamin had. Matt showed the video of Jeff's injury and dedicated his win to his brother, who had a successful surgery on his neck and will miss WrestleMania 24. He also says that when Jeff returns, he will be there for his brother. As Hardy returns backstage, there is a lengthy video of Jeff's surgery and his comments, followed by the words: Extreme Will Reign Again.

After a quick commercial break for JR's BBQ sauce, the cameras cut to ringside, where HBK is in the ring with a microphone. He says that next week on RAW, he and Cena have been forced to have a sit-down interview, hosted by Vince McMahon. But in the mean time, Michaels announces that he has a match against MVP, who quickly turns up at ringside.

Shawn Michaels vs Montel Vontavious Porter - Non Title:
Michaels and MVP begun the match with various side headlock takeovers and technical moves. As HBK started to overpower the cocky MVP, the United States Champion retreated to the outside of the ring to take a breather. However, Michaels stalked him and dived out of the ring, pulling MVP onto the floor. The technical match was ditched, as the two men began to brawl around the ringside area. HBK was in control and hit the Atomic Drop, before climbing the turnbuckle for the elbow drop, LANDED! HBK stalks MVP and tunes up the band! SWEET CHI...NO! MVP is disqualified for a low blow!

Winner: Shawn Michaels via disqualification.

Michaels holds his crotch, as MVP does his ballin taunt. Backstage in his office, Shane McMahon in on the phone to Theodore Long, quickly confirming an unknown main event for Smackdown on Friday. However, the crowd start to pop for Mick Foley, who appears in Shane's office. Foley challenges 'one of Shane's boys' to face a representive of ECW at the first two hour ECW in an Extreme Rules match. McMahon laughs and tells Foley's band of gypsies to bring it on.

The scene fades to Todd Grisham, who is standing in Mr. Kennedy's locker room. Grisham asks Kennedy how he plans to beat Umaga next, to which Kennedy says he has beaten Umaga before and he will beat 'ye timirous beasty' again. Grisham carries on, by saying how Kennedy plans to deal with Shelton Benjamin and Kane at Unforgiven. Kennedy looks him in the eye and talks about how Benjamin is about as hard and charismatic as a piece of playdough, and how Kane and Umaga would make a perfect family of mountain trolls together. The crowd laugh and Kennedy says that the WWE will see a new champion: MRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR KENNNEDY....... KENNNEDYY!

Mr. Kennedy vs Umaga:
Kennedy starts by using his natural speed to take quick shots at Umaga, who just shakes them off and launched Kennedy over the top rope and onto the arena floor. Umaga follows Kennedy and whipped him over the announcer's table onto a very unlucky Jerry Lawler, who fell onto the floor aswell. Kennedy quickly got back up and rolled into the ring at the count of seven. Umaga continued with his assault by kicking Kennedy into the corner and going for the ass-hit-thing, but Kennedy managed to slide out the ring and avoid Umaga's butt. Kennedy quickly climbed the top rope and hit a missile dropkick, causing Umaga to fall to the floor. With the momentum for Kennedy, he climbed the rope again and nailed the Kenton Bomb for a three count!

Winner: Mr. Kennedy via pinfall.

As Kennedy celebrates his huge win, Umaga recovers, spins him around and hits an elevated Samoan Spike, before shouting in Samoan and going crazy. Backstage, Shawn Michaels and HHH are watching the monitor, talking about how Umaga's butt is huge and how much spray paint they would need to spray DX on it. HBK asks HHH if he is ready to beat on Cena tonight, to which HHH replies "Oh yeah, I'm ready all right." Shawn nods and tells HHH to get ready, as we are reminded that Cena/HHH is coming in twenty minutes.

In the mean time, a hype for Unforgiven is interrupted by a WOOOOOOOOOOO and Ric Flair strolls to the ring, with a microphone and the very, muscular Bobby Lashley. Flair waits for his fan's woos to die down, when he starts to discuss Lashley's match with King Booker at Unforgiven. Ric then says that the Nature Boy is starting feel tired and he feels it is time to maybe call it a day. As some of the crowd start to shed a tear. Flair says:

Flair: Hey, I said maybe! MAYBE! WOOOOOOOOOOO!

That is until King Booker storms to the ring and starts to talk trash about Flair's legacy being one of foul-play. Flair just smiles and woos a couple of times. Booker starts to get agitated and climbs onto the apron, but Bobby Lashley clicks and spears Booker through the ropes! The two men start to brawl, with referees and security splitting them up for a second week!

MAIN EVENT - John Cena vs Triple H [Non Title]:
After the commercial break, both men make their entrance and the match starts. Cena starts with hard shots to HHH, but the Cerebral Assassin is unfazed and flattens Cena with a huge clothesline. HHH then throws Cena around the ring like a ragdoll, before launching him over the top rope and onto the security barrier. However, when HHH goes outside, Cena meets him with a vicious kick down below and throws him into the ring steps.

Back in the ring, Cena starts to take control on the match, hitting HHH with various suplexes and a German Suplex pin for a two count. Cena scales the top rope and hits the flying Fame Asser, followed up by the Five-Knuckle-Shuffle. Cena stalks HHH, F..SPINEBUSTER! HHH nails Cena with a huge Spinebuster and looks for the Pedigree, but Vince McMahon runs to the ring! He pulls the referee out of the ring and Cena nails HHH with brass knuckles! Hooks the leg, 1...2...3!

Winner: John Cena via pinfall.

A furious HHH holds his nose, as Cena and Vince share smiles to each other. Cena holds his title above his head, but all of a sudden... Shawn Michaels runs down the ramp and slides into the ring! Cena and Michaels trade shots, but Cena goes for an FU!Reversed... SWEET CHIN MUSIC TO THE WWE CHAMP! The crowd roars, as Michaels stands tall! However, McMahon starts to shout at HBK! HHH gets up and pedigrees McMahon! DX stand tall, as RAW goes off the air...

Quick Results:
Matt Hardy defeated Shelton Benjamin via pinfall.
Shawn Michaels defeated Montel Vontavious Porter via disqualification.
Mr. Kennedy defeated Umaga via pinfall.
John Cena defeated Triple H via pinfall.


The Spin - 15
OrderDX ? 14

tobes - 8
PaulNixon1 - 7
sd92 - 7
GrayNicholls - 3
Jaztheman - 2

surendar - 2
pinchinator - 1

(When PlanetCricket went down, I thought this was gone for good! Lucky the admins payed up though!)
That main event was nice :) Very nice show overall, Jay! :) Keep up the fantastic efforts :hpraise

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