I've changed since joining PlanetCricket, but PlanetCricket isn't whats changed me. I explain it more in my latest blog message, but my confidence has massively improved. I used to lack serious confidence, found it very hard to talk to new people, to mix with people other than my closest friends, but in the past 2 years I've changed massively. I'd say the biggest change has come in the last 6 months-Year. I think the proof that my confidence has improved was on Saturday night. Went to my mate's sister's 17th Birthday party, knew 4 people there, but by the end of the night was comfortably chatting to everyone, and being myself. It wasn't the alcohol either, as I was as confident in the morning as well. So that part of my personality has come on a long long way.
So yeh, before I go off on a rant about myself I better tail it off here, and finish off by reiterating my first point. I have changed as a person since joining Planet Cricket, but it's not PlanetCricket that has changed me.